Chapter 14

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Cold water covered our body's as our heads and stomachs turned with nervousness and anxiety. We are putting our biggest secret in the hands of 4 more young adults. We wait the ten seconds with anticipation as everyone one in the room is confused and curious. They can see from our faces this is important and they seem kind of worried. Corbyn looks at me as I look back and soon we bout drop to the floor full form, tails glowing through the moonlight shining through the windows. Everyone in the room astonished and amazed. Except Bri is in the corner yawning. "Oh same old, same old." She says and everyone turns to her including me, as she makes her way back to us. Corbyn and I start to laugh under our breath but it sorta comes out like a snort. "wHAT?!? HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? HOW DID YOU DO THE HAND THING! AND THE SINK WATER! AND THE SPLASHY SPLASH THING AND THE BOOM POW ON THE FLOOR AND THE TAILS AND HOW DOES SHE KNOW AND THE HZBSBMSOSHS
VBDNXKSJVSVDBDBJXJDBDBDBNXNXNXBDKSKDJDJBDVDBCNJXHXBDVVDNDNXJXJ" Zach starts freaking out. "YEA WHAT THE FU-" Daniel starts but Jonah cuts him off, "Watch your language Seavey, there is kids present." "WERE NOT KIDS!!!" Bri and Zach pipe up. "wErE nOt KiDs!" Corbyn and Jack mock. "aLRIGHT LETS GET BACK TOO THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM...YOU GUYS ARE ON THE FLOOR WITH GISH TAILS FOR FUCK SAKE!" Jonah yells. "LANGUAGE MARAIS!" Bri says. "HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?" Zach and Jack say at the same time. "I'll tell u just hold on" I say calmly. "Corbyn, turn back so we can tell them." I told him. "Okay." He replies. We raise our hands behind us and start to dry ourselves. "What the actual hell is happening?" Zach questions. "Silence Zachary!" I say as I lift my hand from above my tail and turn it to him, so it burns him. "oUcH tHaT hUrT" He Screeches. "Hey That's my line!" Daniel screams back to him. By now Corbyn and I are back to human and sitting on the floor. "hOW IN THE HEL-" They all start to say. "I'll tell u everyone sit." Everyone sat in a circle on the floor. And I told them everything up until now. EVERYTHING. The biggest secret I have ever had is out now. I finished, and I was really emotional so everyone comforted me and Daniel held me in his lap as he was cross- crossed. "Okay now my turn. I have never told one person my story yet, even y/n, because I didn't have enough time. So this is the first time I am ever telling a living soul this story." Corbyn warns everyone with all seriousness.

"Do it all started when..." he began.

//SORRY GUYS! I haven't updated in a REALLY long time. I have had a lot going on, with medical issues, and my mental state haven't been the best. I was surprised with wdw tickets to the New Jersey show and it was amazing. But I have hella PCD and it has been really difficult for me. I was in the way front where they get on and off. I was able to see them all and I had something I haven't had in a while. When I left, I lost it. And they took it with them. I'm not angry about it, it's not their faults, and they're just spreading to more people that need it. I'm just trying to find it again. It's called...Happiness. But thank you all for the encouragement of this book I love even when you just read it and enjoy it. Sorry I'm such a lousey author. Deuces Limelights✌🏻//

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