SkyMU w/ SkyBrine

Start from the beginning

“Please, stop, please!” he cried out. The onslaught of pain didn't stop. If anything, it intensified, especially when Sky reached forward with his other hand and placed another finger on his other cheek. It got to be so much that it was nearly unbearable. “Sky...”

Sky laughed again. “How does it feel to have no control whatsoever? I wouldn't know, since I have full control over everything,” he announced arrogantly, not removing his fingers from Jason's face.

“If you have s-so much cont-trol over everything, then w-why c-can't you control S-SkyBrine?” Jason asked weakly, feebly pushing against Sky's hands in an attempt to remove his fingers from his cheeks. “Control it, Sky, please... I can't...” He cried out as another wave a pain engulfed him.

While Jason suffered, Sky was frozen in place. If he could control everything, why couldn't he control SkyBrine? Because you are SkyBrine, you don't need to control him, something told him.

Sky wrinkled his nose and answered himself in his head, I need to control him if he's going to hurt people, especially the ones I love.

It doesn't matter, the voice said. You can't control him.

Sky blinked. But I have to.

You won't. Sky pressed the entire palm of his hand against Jason's face, sending even more burning pain through Jason's body. Jason shrieked in pain at first, but then it died down to a sob. “Please, Sky! Please make it stop, I can't... I just... Please... I'm so sorry, I... Please make it stop, Sky...” Sky prepared to touch his other hand completely to Jason's face, to send the final wave of pain, the one that would kill him. Jason whimpered, “Please, Sky, just... Please...”

I will.

Sky pulled both hands back and jumped away from Jason, panting. “W-What?” he asked, looking around. His eyes had returned to normal. His face was filled with confusion, rather than anger. He glanced around at the mess he'd made, and guilt surged through him.

Then he saw Jason.

His eyes widened and he crawled slowly toward his traumatized boyfriend. “J-Jason?” he asked quietly, a horrified expression on his face. Jason only whimpered in his huddled up position. Tears streamed down Sky's face. “I'm so sorry, Jason, I-” he started, resting a hand on Jason's knee.

“No!” Jason screeched. “Don't touch me, please don't do it again, please don't! It hurts so much, please don't hurt me, Sky!”

A sob escaped Sky's throat. He had done this. It was all his doing. It was because of him that his innocent, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly boyfriend was now trembling in fear and pain next to a broken-down grocery store. “I'm so sorry,” he said hoarsely. “I wasn't in control, I- I'm never in control, and it's all my fault, and I- I'm so so sorry, Jason.” Jason didn't respond, he only laid there, shaking ever so slightly, crying out randomly every once in a while. Sky sighed and picked him up as gently as he could manage. Then he carried him home, being careful not to bounce too much as he walked and whispering “sorry” over and over the whole way.

He laid the fragile boy down gently on his bed and tucked him into the covers. After forcing some painkiller down his throat and watching sadly as he fell asleep, Sky stood up and packed a bag with clothes, a small bit of food, and some basic supplies like wood and cobblestone. Then he took a deep breath and opened the front door, ready to leave in order to keep his boyfriend safe.


He spun around quickly, only to be faced by a very shaken up Jason. “Uh... Y-Yes?”

“W-Where are you going?”

Sky was silent for a bit. “I don't really know. Somewhere far away.”

“Please don't go.”

Sky was shocked. “Why? Don't you want me to leave? I hurt you! You'll be so much safer with me gone...”

“But I'll be so much lonelier with you gone...”

“Jason. I'm really not safe to be around, I think that's obvious by now. I have to go, okay?”

“But I love you, Sky.

Sky stared at his boyfriend, blinking to try to keep the tears from his eyes. “How? How can you still love me after what I did to you?”

Jason shrugged and made his way over to where Sky was. “I just do,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around Sky and burying his head in his shoulder.

Sky, amazed, slowly hugged him back, taking in the overall feeling of having Jason in his arms. “Well... I love you, too.”


I like this one, a lot. It's so dramatic. Sometimes my taste in one-shots scares me. Like, one of the reasons I really like this one is because someone is getting hurt by someone they love, and still loves them for it. There is SO much drama and love and beautifulness, and I just... THE FEELS!

Also, I forgot something for the prompt sheet. If you guys don't really care what the POV is like, then this doesn't really apply to you. But if you want a one-shot written specifically in first, second, or third person, then go ahead and add that at the end of your prompt. I think that's all. Baiii.

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