Start from the beginning

"Okay! So this is it!" Urooba's voice brought her back from the reverie, "I'm getting this packed, what do you say?" She asked, handing the dress back to the salesperson.

"Sure," Laiba shrugged.

After paying the bill, Urooba left Laiba at the counter as she had to make a call. That is when she saw the dress, the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. She went up towards it with twinkling eyes and halted in front of the dressed mannequin, completely in awe. Laiba quickly turned around, "Excuse me!" She summoned a salesperson and asked them for the dress. She took the dupatta and elegantly wore it over her head as she stared at herself in the wall mirror. Her whole face lit up at what she saw. This is it, she thought, biting a smile. She was sure Urooba will like it and would not mind if she exchanged the dress. She walked up to the counter and told the manager, "I would like to exchange the dress I bought just now."

"I'm afraid that's not possible, mam." He said apologetically, referring to the board that read, 'No Exchange'

Laiba's smiled vanished in a second, she felt her heart sinking. "Are you sure you can't do anything about it? I really like this dress." She tried to convince him but he only shook his head in negative.

"My apologies. We don't bend our rules for any customer." He lowered his head in courtesy.

Laiba opened her mouth to say something but closed the next second as she realised, nothing she was going to say would work there. She sighed defeatedly, the overwhelming feeling of loss suddenly wearing on her.

"Pack the dress." A men voice ordered from her back.

Laiba snapped her head at the voice, startled, only to be stunned when she found Aariz standing there. He nonchalantly moved forward and leaned against the counter, leaving a good five steps space between them. She gaped at him, wearing a bewildered expression on her face, wondering from how long he was in the stores.

And she really needed to stop reacting the way she does every time he is around, she thought.

"Wh-what was that for?" Laiba blinked at her own voice that came out so hoarse and so foreign. When her throat had dried was out of her mind.

"What?" He replied without looking at her, his eyes on his phone and his fingers working on the screen.

"The dress?" She said after clearing her throat.

"Oh that!" He pocketed his phone and whirled around, resting his elbows on the counter and clasping his hands together as he gave her his full attention. "Consider it your wedding gift." He appraised her with a polite smile, tilting his head towards her, "From your brother-In-law." He added.

Laiba raised her eyebrows and glanced away, finding it weird. Just that morning, he was so indifferent towards her and now, he was her brother-in-law and giving her wedding presents so expensive. It was unsettling and hard to settle for, "That's rather nice of you but I already bought a dress so..thanks." She pressed her lips, looking everywhere but at him.

Aariz turned his head away from her and rolled his eyes, already bored of her. He hated being nice to someone he doesn't feel like being nice to but right then, he kind of had to. He straightened up from the hunched position and turned towards her, "Take it. I know you want to." He simpered, recalling the look on her face when the manager had refused to exchange.

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