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Evan sat up and looked at Michael on the couch. He was spread across with his arm hanging off the side.

Evan poked his arm but Michael kept sleeping. He tried again and still nothing.

Michael started to wake up so Evan quickly stopped.

"Ev?" Michael whispered sleepily.


"Did you tap me or something?"


"Oh. What's wrong?"

"I'm scared."

Michael sighed and rubbed his eyes. He sat up and stretched his arms then pat the spot next to him. Evan quickly got up and sat.

"Here..." Michael gave Evan his blanket and Evan wrapped up in it.

"I haven't had a sleepover since my brother died." Evan mumbled. "We used to have them all the time, but it's hard to have them now..."

Michael looked at Evan and watched him yawn and hide under the blankets, so he would stop shivering. He looked away and hugged his knees up to his chest.



"That day you texted me in class, why'd you do it?"

"I uh...I guess it was cause you just looked like you'd be a genuinely nice person and there's really not a lot of those kinds of people at school..."

Michael nodded. "To be honest I kinda thought you were a first."

"Oh." Evan wrapped himself tighter in the blanket, nervously.

"But I don't anymore now." Michael quickly reassured. "I mean you're a little odd, but in a good way."

"Oh, well you're odd in a good way too." Evan patted Michael's shoulder.

Michael laughed, "Thanks nerd."

Evan giggled. "I'm not a nerd."

"You are a little."

"Well you're a geek, cause you have lots of video games."

"That doesn't make me a geek!"

"It does if the nerd says so. Nerds are smart."

"So you admit you're a nerd."

"No no no, wait that's not what I meant."

Michael snorted, which made Evan giggle harder.

"What time is it?" Michael asked, Evan just shrugged in reply. He pulled his phone out and one notification caught his eye.

"Did you send this?" Michael showed Evan.

"I uh, I th-thought I deleted that."

"Why'd you delete it?"

"Because it came out wrong...I didn't want you to think I liked you like that, cause then you'd get mad at me."

"I wouldn't be mad at you for that."

"Oh, well I just haven't really had anybody in a long time and it's just nice. It feels like you actually like me and want to be around me, instead of just doing it cause you have to.
Th-that's why I said that." had

"Yeah, well it's nice to have someone who actually cares and stuff."

Evan nodded.

It was quiet for a little while and Michael thought Evan had fallen asleep, but then Evan spoke up again.

"Can I show you something?"

"Yeah sure."

Evan stood up and walked towards the front door. Michael stood up after him.

"Where are you going?"

"You have to follow me if you want to see it."

"Oh okay."

The boys walked in silence to Evan's house. Instead of going up to the front door Evan went to the backyard fence and unlocked it. Michael followed, deciding it was better to not question anything.

As soon as they entered the back yard Evan stopped. 

They both stared at a large tree with a small tree house built into it. It looked pretty old and poorly built.

"This is it." Evan said softly. "This is my tree house. My brother and I spent a whole summer building it." He walked over to the ladder and climbed up to it.

Michael followed and sat inside on the rickety floor.

A few drawings were messily tacked up on the walls. Several little flowers and stars were painted on the wood too, Michael assumed Evan had done this.
A lantern and a small chest sat in one corner and a stuffed, ratty looking bunny with an eye patch sat in another.

Michael also noticed an old looking photo taped up on the wall. It was of two boys who looked almost identical, except for their eyes. One had dark greenish blue eyes and the other had hazel eyes with little golden flecks. Michael recognized the one with the green-blue eyes as a younger Evan.

The other boy must have been his brother.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Evan asked.


"You're the only other person who's been up here, other than Eric."

"Eric? Was that your brother's name?"

Evan nodded and smiled a little. "I used to call him Ricky, he would get so mad."

"Is this you guys in the photo?" Michael pointed to the picture on the wall.

"Yeah, it is."

"But I thought you said he was younger, you guys look like twins in this picture."

"He was younger, but just by a few minutes. That's another thing I teased him with."

"You guys were close, huh?"

"Mhm, He was my best friend."

Evan's eyes looked glossy, like he was trying not to cry.

"They killed him Michael. They pushed him off the bridge, like they tried to do to me, because they think it's fun."

"That's awful."

"They're gonna kill me too."

"No they're not."

"How do you know?"

"Cause I'm not gonna let it happen."


"Really. They're not gonna lay a single finger on you."

"But what if-"

"Evan. I'm not going to let them hurt you, you're my best friend."

"What about Jeremy?"

"He's a jerk and he's not my friend anymore."


They both sat quietly for a few minutes then Michael decided to break the silence by picking up the stuffed bunny.

"So tell me about this little dude..."

They stayed up there talking and laughing until the morning.


i have an idea but no one's gonna like it...also i cracked myself up for like two minutes over the idea of naming evan's brother kevin. you're welcome.

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