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Jeremy answered his phone and Michael popped up on his screen. It was the first time he had seen him in days.

"You changed your username."

"Yeah...I know."

Suddenly Jeremy started crying  "I'm sorry Michael. You were right about everything. I'm really selfish and I've been a terrible friend lately. I was...I was jealous of Evan. I'm sorry."

Michael was surprised, but knew he had to do something quick before he started crying too. "You wanna come over?"


Jeremy hung up and walked to Michael's house and Michael was waiting for him outside on the porch. He stood up when Jeremy got there and fidgeted with his sleeves.

"Hey Jeremy."


Michael sighed and hugged him. Jeremy started crying again which made Michael cry too.

"I'm really really sorry."

"I know, I forgive you."

"This is really stupid."

"I know."

Michael started laughing and crying at the same time, so of course, Jeremy did too. They finally stopped hugging and Michael sat down on the porch steps. Jeremy sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder.

"Guess what I did Jeremy. You're gonna be proud."

"What did you do?"

"I threw a slushee at Jared's car."

Jeremy sat up and looked at Michael, with his eyes wide. "No way!"

"Yeah." Michael snorted.

"Well what did he do?!"

"I don't know, I ran and hid in the store next to the seven-eleven!"

The boys started laughing hysterically together. It was nice, everything felt normal for a little bit.

"So we cool?"

"Yeah we are." Michael smiled.

"You wanna play video games for a little bit?"

"You know it!"


subtle reference 👌🏻

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