Chapter 9

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Author's Note: Yes, yes I know it's been a while but I would just like to say this past week has been the busiest week of my life and this is basically all I could muster within the short intervals of writing time that I had. Once again, I would hope that you all (yes, all almost 8 of you) show your support in any way you know how and enjoy the chapter. I will not be updating until post Friday because I will be travelling from Wednesday to Friday. That being said, hopefully my 22 hours of flying time will be sufice for me to complete a few chapters. Enjoy the read!

Chapter 9

               People are all gossips. We’re like vultures, except we feed on rumors and drama. No matter who you are, you can’t deny the fact that your ears perk up when you witness a fight or overhear an argument.

               It all started with Cole’s dangerously delicious food. It was almost midnight and I was hungry. Eating late wasn’t really a good idea, but I’d been reading for a few hours and specifically, I was craving the mini hamburgers Cole had barbequed for dinner.

               To my demise, there were none left. It seemed that everyone had devoured them and there were none left. Needless to say, I was disappointed. I ended up eating an English muffin with cheese and butter. Not exactly Cole’s mini hamburgers, but it would have to suffice.

               On the way to my room, I stumbled upon 2 conversations that I probably should not have heard. The first one gave me quite a shock because the fight was between Jamie and Axel. The reason I was surprised was because it was Jamie and Axel. Those 2 were like 2 peas in a pod. They never fought, they always stuck together. They were inseparable. Just being in the presence of the two made you feel lonely and wondering why you don’t have another half, so you could imagine my shock when I heard the elevated voices of the two erupt from their shared bedroom.

               “So you’re just planning to get up and leave? Are you really doing this right now, Ax?” Jamie questioned.

               “What do you expect me to do Jamie? Please, tell me. Because I’d really like to know.” Axel’s sarcastic reply flowed through the crack of the door.

               A deep sigh escaped the lips of what I assumed to be Jamie. “Whatever. I don’t care anymore. You can sleep by yourself tonight.” He spat.

               I took the sound of shuffling as a cue to keep moving down the hallway. I tiptoed further down the corridor until I heard the sound of arguing again, except this time, it wasn’t Axel and Jamie. The sound was coming from the bathroom, and it sounded as if it was a single voice.

               “So you’re just going to leave?” The voice yell-whispered. There seemed to lots of talk about leaving tonight.

               After a few more murmurs of hushed conversation, I discovered that the person was none other than Michael, and he was by himself. He was having an argument over the phone.

               “Mom, you can’t just decide shit like that on your own. This stuff affects me too. Do I get no say in this?” He continued.

               Mike was silent for a while as he waited for his mom’s reply. The sound of footsteps echoed through the walls of the bathroom. He was pacing.

               “So that’s it? Either move with you to some country I’ve never heard of or stay here by myself? Don’t you even care that you could be quite possibly leaving behind the only child you have? Who am I kidding? Of course you don’t. Goodnight, mother.” Michael ranted.

               This time, I was so intrigued by the conversation, I didn’t realize that Mike had hung up the phone and opened the bathroom door. We were now staring face to face. Shit. I’ve been caught red handed.

               My face turned 12 shades redder than usual and at that moment I made sure to thank god for the fact that the hallway was dark. Mike was the one to break the silence.

               “Snooping doesn’t suit you, Betty.” His sarcastic demeanour was there, but the ever-present smirk on his face was missing. His eyes were…dare I say, sad.

               I was still flushed with embarrassment, so the only response I could mutter was “I’m sorry, I didn’t- I wasn’t trying to-“

               But I was cut off by Mike’s index finger that was now pressed against my lips.

               “Save it, princess. You’ll wake up the whole neighbourhood. Go to bed, it’s late.” And, with that, he headed off to the room he and Roger were sharing. Once the shock from our encounter was over, I myself also found my way back to my room.

               I took a piss and washed my face again. I prepared myself for bed, but right before I climbed there was a quiet knock at my door. I walked over the hardwood floors to the door and opened it. In front of my stood a dejected Jamie hugging a pillow and a backpack thrown over his shoulder. He was staring at the floor. His raised his gaze to look at me. Even without words, I knew what he meant. I stepped aside and ushered him into the room. While he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, I climbed into the double bed of the now somewhat familiar room. In a matter of minutes, Jamie came to join me in bed. He snuck under the covers and engulfed himself in the covers. His back was facing me, as he lay there and began to cry. For a while, the only thing you could hear was my breathing and the silent sobs that came out of Jamie.

               “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked, as his sharp breathes and his quiet sniffles turned to the occasional whimper.

               He didn’t say anything, but I saw the back of his head shake and back and forth, as if to say “no”.

               “Would you like a tissue?” I asked, realizing that he must be pretty uncomfortable from the array of fluids leaving his body.

               He shook his head again however, this time, he nodded, as if to say yes. He then followed with a strained “Yes, please.”

               I turned over to my side that was facing away from Jamie and towards the nightstand. There, on the miniature table, lay a box of tissues. I grabbed the entire box and turned back towards Jamie to hand it to him. While I was facing the opposite way, Jamie had turned around to face me. His eyes were poufy and red, his cheeks were hallow. He looked like a ghost. His sadness was like a curtain, dimming the usual brightness that shone upon him. Hid delicate features in such sorrow were like 2 puzzle pieces that did not fit, but were somehow forced together by the stubbornness of a child. Jamie was miserable, and I’d sure as hell be lying if I said I didn’t want to know why.

               He took the box of tissues from my hand with a plastic smile that somehow didn’t reach his eyes and he turned his back towards me once again.

“Goodnight, Jamie.” I said.

“G’night, Jack.” I turned my back towards the tragic boy and fell asleep with a hungry sense of curiosity. 

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