Chapter 8, Part 2

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Author's note: So this half-chapter is absolutely awful., very briefly edited(meaning I looked over it once) and wayy longer than it needed to be, but my last exam is over in 2 days so hopefully things will look up from there. Once again I really apprciate all votes, comments anything! I'd like to dedicate this chapter to BIGbangLOVEx3 because they are my biggest fan at the moment. Thank you! Enjoy the chapter with all it's horribleness!

Chapter 8, Part 2

               “Oh! Tyce, baby! Stop! I’m all wet!” The most disgusting voice in the world giggled.

               Surprisingly, Kelley and I had been getting along these past few days, however, at this moment, I really wanted to punch her in the crotch. She and Tyce were splashing around with one another in the pool and I was pretty sure I wasn’t the only one uncomfortable to the point where I wanted to rip out my pubes one by one.

               Axel and Jamie’s game of volleyball was interrupted by the menacing squeal. From the pool chair I was sitting on, I could see Jamie shoot Axel an annoyed look and I chuckled. Jamie noticed my laughter and shot me a wink. I smiled back.

               Another shriek erupted from the mouth of Satan herself as Tyce continued to splash and tickle her in the pool. Angela let out a groan and a pissed off Mike stormed into the house saying something about grabbing another beer. Roger, Helen and Cole seemed to be the luckiest people that day because they weren’t here to witness this travesty.

               Cole was inside preparing lunch for all of us. Roger and Helen, despite Cole’s objection, had gone grocery shopping together. Cole certainly wasn’t hiding his annoyance towards his sister and my brother spending so much time together. He never complained verbally but his scowls were dangerous enough. I guess having a sister that pretty makes you somewhat overprotective, and with a guy like Roger, he had every right to be worried.

               I, myself, was having a very wonderful day. The sun was out, the weather was perfect and, for the first time in a while, I was having a great time. To make it even better, Cole called us in for lunch at that very moment.

               I hopped off the pool chair and nudged Angela, telling her it’s time to go inside. Tyce and Kelley climbed out of the pool, Axel and Jamie tucked away the volleyball and we all met inside. Helen and Roger had also come back from their adventure.            

               Strolling into the kitchen, I grabbed some plates and helped set the table in the dining room. Every contributed to something, and this time I made sure that I didn’t have to sit beside Tyce. Although, nothing was as awkward as the run in I had with him this morning. Cole’s not a morning person, so we were on our own for breakfast. Both Tyce and I were early risers and somehow we had both gotten up around 7 am. I somehow managed to toast my waffles and leave the kitchen before there was any time for conversation.

               The talk between Angela and I had been very helpful to me. I felt much more comfortable about everything. I was even finding it easier to talk to everyone and joke around. I was different to a point where everyone thought something happened between us when we both left the movie and never came back. Those rumors dispelled pretty quickly, thanks to Angela. Despite that, it felt really good to talk to someone. It was nice having someone on my side. That being said, I still didn’t want to talk to Tyce just yet. That was a level I wasn’t sure I could pass without committing some sort of murder, so it’s probably best to leave it for a while.

               For lunch, I ended up sitting between Cole and Roger. Yikes. The tension between those too was almost tangible. Cole had made us some lovely sandwiches and I was glad I could actually enjoy his amazing food this time. As I took a bite of the delicious looking sandwich, I almost moaned. An array of flavours exploded into my mouth and I thought I was going to cry. His cooking was better than anything I had ever tasted. I’m pretty sure I had around 3 or 4 sandwiches. Bless his soul.

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