Of course I do...

"Yoongi... I am really sor-", I was gonna say something but he interrupted me by saying "No need to say anything. I don't like talking in a bus. We can talk later."

He took out his earphones and turned his face away from my direction, staring out of the window. I felt even worse now.

Maybe I shouldn't go to that place. Who knows what the others are gonna say....

Jungkook's POV

I finally arrived in front of the mansion. It seemed so familiar and weird at the same time. Everything reminded me of the old times. Even the smallest details had so much meaning.
I still didn't step out of my car, still feeling too nervous to do so.

I wonder if everyone is already there...?

I took out my phone and saw that I got a message from my wife. 'Take care.' I sighed. For how long are we gonna continue with this? It was meaningless and honestly I wanted it to stop.

But I ruined her life. I can't just leave her now.

Suddenly I saw another car coming. It seemed like an expensive car and it stopped in front of the mansion. A bit further away from my car. I was trying to figure out who was inside but then I got a call. I looked at my phone and saw that it was her again.


"Wow...this place is still the same! The memories..."

I looked up when I heard the voice from my open window. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips when I saw two familiar people.

Jin and Namjoon...

At that moment I wanted to jump out of the car and hug them as tight as possible but life wasn't that easy. I looked back at the phone and realized that it stopped ringing.

She can call me later...

I wanted to wait for both of them to go inside but they were still looking around. I was hoping they won't see me but then I saw Jin's eyes landing on my car.


He looked and looked until he finally recognized me, giving Namjoon a light push to show him the car I was sitting in. Both of them looking at me in shock. I knew that it was the right time to step out, so I took my bag pack and opened the door. I looked at the boys standing on the other side.

The atmosphere was tense. And even though there was a distance, I could hear what Jin was whispering.


I felt a tears slowly forming in my eyes. Jin ran forward to me, while Namjoon was still to shocked and confused to react. He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back just as tight.

"Jungkook, you grew into a tall man...", I could feel his tears dropping on my bare neck, so I let it out too. Both of us cried quietly in each others arms. I opened my eyes and saw Namjoon slowly approaching me too. Hugging both of us.
The three of us hugging each other with tears after 5 years again.

I missed you so much..

...my brothers.

Jimin's POV

Shit I am so late!

I sat at the backseats nervously. "Please hurry up. I am already very late.", I told the taxi driver. He sighed as response. "You know this place has rules, I am already driving as fast as possible.", he complained.

He was right but I was to stressed out to care. This is a friend I have been avoiding for all these years and now he's inviting me: and I am late!

"Why would anyone rent that old mansion? I mean since an accident that occured there that place was totally forgotten.", the taxi driver explained. Memories flashed through my mind when he mentioned accident.

I came back to reality when I saw that we arrived at the mansion. "Thank you!", I payed the taxi driver and rushed out. I ran towards the mansion's door and pressed the bell.


I was greeted by the familiar smiling face. "Jihoon...", I mumbled and we hugged each other tightly. I looked inside and saw all of them in one room.

The time to face the truth has come. And I don't know if we're ready for it.

I missed you.

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