Chapter 1 - Barnabas - 1518

Start from the beginning

He turned the mirror this way and that looking for a vulnerable point in the armour like there was with metal plate, at the joints, but even these we're covered with tiny scales. The scales shined in the sun, reflecting the light off onto the surrounding walls of the constrained tight streets. His armour was really four separate pieces, the top half that covered his torso, head and arms; the bottom that covered his legs; thirdly the boots which had been lined inside with leather, as dragon scales were an uncomfortable lining; then finally the gloves that covered his hands. Each piece of the armour started long before it was visible, for example his gloves reached his elbow although the torso sleeves reached his wrist, his boots reaches his knees and the trousers covered his belly button, all of this ensured he was invulnerable.

"Do you have a sword?"

"Yes." Barnabas said handing back the mirror. "Why do you ask?"

"I've also made a handle out of scales too, so if your sword is set alight your hands will not be burnt."

"Is there anything you can't do Robert?" Barnabas laughed making his way to Rochester, the grey stead that had been surprisingly strong and carried him to kill the dragon. He stroked the horse who was tied to a piece of wood outside of the workshop before unsheathing his short sword and handing it too Robert.

"I thought a man such as yourself would have a larger sword Barnabas."

"Size isn't everything Robert."

"You can say that again." Robert chuckled looking Barnabas up and down before disappearing into his workshop once more.

"Excuse me." Came a voice behind Barnabas, he turned and so no one. "Down here." He looked down and saw a small girl, a street urchin by the state of matted clothes, her arms were black from her dirt and her hair so greasy that it stuck to her head.

"Yes child?" He asked bending down easily so he was only a foot taller then her.

"Are you the Earl of Rochester?"

"Why do you ask?"

"They say the Earl of Rochester killed a dragon."

"I may have done."

"My father owns some land south of the city. It's plagued by a group of dragons, they burn our crops and eat our sheep. We grow hungrier and poorer each day."

"And you've been looking for me?"

"Yes. Because the King-"

"The King could but does not send help."


"You would like me too help?"

"If you are not to busy Sir." He smiled at the girl, before realising he still had his hood on, he pulled it off and took the child's hands.

"What is your name?"

"Lady Ursula Howard."

"Robert," Barnabas called into the armourers workshop, "hurry up I have dragons to kill."


Rochester carried Barnabas in his scale armour and Ursula with great ease, Ursula explained that she had entered the city as an urchin to avoid shaming her father for travelling without a chaperon. Everyday she travelled to the city watching as Robert made his armour; she'd found him through following rumours of a man selling dragon parts she had even visited Redwin, but of course he could tell her nothing which she didn't know already.

She'd gone to Norwich on an inkling on the hunt for  dragon parts thinking that they would somehow link to him, she'd been right for on the fourth day she'd found Robert swearing at an apprentice that had dropped scales on the floor. With a bit of persuasion she discovered Barnabas would soon return from the punished apprentice, all she'd have to do is wait; but in that time four more dragons had appeared, four green ones that were the same colour as his armour.

"Where are they now?"

"They're hidden in a forest east of land."

"A forest? I've never knew they would hide in a forest."

"They hide in all sorts of places, England is such a diverse place with different terrains, I've heard some even live in lakes!"

"How do you know all this?"

"I read a lot, and many travellers pass through our lands on the way to Norwich." She said as they began to near her fathers lands. "Can we stop for a moment I need to change."  They stopped beside a large bush were Ursula had hidden a blue silk dress and blonde wig, she smiled when he raised his eyebrows in surprise. "I was born bald, you see so my father had many wigs made up for me. This one is my urchin wig." She said pointing to the one a top her head before swapping it for the blonde one. "We live in a small manor, look you can see it its on the other side of this bush. Go there and say you've heard of our dragon problem. It would be a bit suspicious if I came with you. That and I need to get out of these ghastly clothes!"

Barnabas left her and set off towards the house, which was about half a mile from the bush. He dismounted when he was a few feet away and tied Rochester to the fence that ran around the small manor before knocking on the door.

"Yes? Can I help you?" Answered a curtly dressed elderly woman, her face heavily wrinkled and her clothes a dark brown.

"I'm the Earl of Rochester." He said bluntly, undaunted by the old woman’s tone.

"Sir." The curt old woman said giving a small curtsy, "you must want Sir Philip. He is in stable I'll lead you too him. This way sir." She led him outside and round the back of the manor where a lonesome building stood in a large empty field, from here he could easily see the forest Ursula had described earlier, it was a large blot that covered most of the horizon.

The old lady disappeared into the stable and returned with whom Barnabas presumed was Sir Philip. Sir Philip was a short man, barely reaching Barnabas' armpit; his eyes were a watery grey with overly chubby cheeks like a guinea pigs, his front teeth were either chipped or eroded as a large gap lay in between them when he smiled. His body was fat and podgy, which left Ursula's declaration of them growing hungrier in doubt, for Sir Philip looked as if he had never missed a meal in his wife.

"Let us be blunt Sir Philip."

"Of course my lord." Barnabas could see already that Sir Philip was a feeble man with no backbone, unwilling to confront the dragons himself, letting others do the dirty work for him, dislike for him was already building in Barnabas.

"A dragon plagues your lands and I'm hear to kill it."

"Aye. What? You my lord? But.."

"But what?" Barnabas boomed at the small man, laughing as the small fat man shivered.

"There are five."

"I know Sir Philip. Your daughter has already informed me."

"My daughter my lord?" The man choked surprised at the reply, "begging your pardon my lord but my daughter is dead."


"My daughter tried to find a dragon slayer for our problem, she stopped eating looking for this 'Barnabas' chap my Lord. But he never turned up. She died looking for him."

"The dragons are in that forest over there yes?" He asked puzzled over who Lady Ursula was and why she brought him here, perhaps she was the knights daughter and would return any moment or perhaps she wasn't.

"Yes my Lord."

"Barnabas, Sir Philip."

"Barnabas? You mean your-?"

"Yes. Does anyone else know of the dragons in the forest?"

"No one, it's off limits to everyone around here as so many people have gone missing who go near it."

"Fine. I'll go there now."


"Yes now I do not intend to be very long. I just want to scout out the forest." Barnabas said turning on his heel and leaving Sir Philip open mouthed, before stopping. "Oh and Sir Philip I would like a room, it'd be the least you can do in terms of payment."


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