Peyton doesn't argue as she goes to the other end of the table. As she goes to her seat her eyes go right back to her phone. All I could do was shake my head as Peyton went straight to texting.

"What is that look for?" McKenna questions.

"Nothing." I reach for a menu and start to look at it, but feel McKenna looking at me still. "What?"

"There is something wrong and you are lying by saying nothing." She nods her head towards Peyton. "She doesn't like these games you are playing Cat. What are you trying to accomplish here?"

Peyton wants to say I am playing games? "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You are an awful liar." She hisses. "What has happened since we have been here that made you anti Peyton?"

I don't want to talk about this here, not with a table full of our soccer team. I put on the fakest smile I could. "I am not. I am a little stressed for tomorrow's game. Tomorrow is the biggest game I'll ever play in so far and everyone here is counting on me to be unstoppable."

McKenna stares at me for a long time. "Fine. If that is true, send Peyton a text. Prove you aren't avoiding her or mad at her."

"You want me to send her a text that says Hi when she is sitting on the other end of the table from us? That is stupid."

"Uh yeah, if that's what you send to her!" McKenna smacks my arm. "You are the one who just said you are horny. I am sure you can come up with something better than Hi."

McKenna is really testing me right now. "I am not you. I don't know what to say."

"It doesn't have to be that serious." She whispers. "Just say, I can't wait until we get in the pool and I can have my hands all over your body."

I look at McKenna who smirks proudly. She doesn't think I'll do it which means I have too.

Peyton POV

I place my order and look back down at my phone that won't stop going off. Since this move I have barely been in contact with my old friends, but since we are in the same building they have been blowing my phone up. I won't lie, it's been a nice distraction right now.

I was expecting to see a text from Morgan or Angie, but I was surprised to see Caitlin's name pop up. I click on the message and read it.

Caitlin: I wish dinner was done so we could be in the pool.,,

Peyton: Are you eager to swim?

My eyes look up to her and see Caitlin looking down at her phone texting away as she chews on her bottom lip. As my phone buzzes, her eyes come up and she gives me a not so innocent smile.

Caitlin: not eager to swim... eager to have my hands all over your body.

My phone starts to slide out of my hand as I was in disbelief reading what Caitlin texted. What has gotten into her tonight? Why do I feel like she doesn't mean what she says even if I wish she did?

Caitlin: Did I make you nervous? You didn't respond...

Peyton: I am not nervous. You, Caitlin, confuse me.

Caitlin: I can be more specific if you would like =] I can paint a picture and let your mind wonder

I look up from my phone and down the table. I wait until brown eyes meet mine. Once they do, Caitlin sends me a wink and a smile. Weak, that's how I feel.

I look down at my phone and type a message that doesn't come off so well.

Peyton: So now you want me? What changed? You've been ignoring me, lied to me, now sending me a seductive text message...

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