Chapter 5

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Caitlin's POV

It's been a week of McKenna constantly asking what happened in the locker room with Peyton and me. I thought she heard everything, but I was wrong. Thank god.

All she heard was Peyton saying we can't be friends which makes her want to know why the girl uttered the words. I don't want to lie to her but I also don't want to tell her about camp.

I've done an excellent job of avoiding her. I go early for soccer practice so I'm on the field before she even gets there. I leave the second it's over. I constantly have my phone on silent so when she texts I don't respond. Avoiding her was getting easier but I felt guilty.

McKenna is my best friend and I haven't acted like one since I left for camp. If I keep this up she is going to hate me. It's time to suck it up and stop hiding from her.

Caitlin: Do you want to go to the diner for dinner?

McKenna: Are you paying?

I shake my head laughing.

Caitlin: yes

McKenna: of course I would love to go

Caitlin: Okay I'll meet you in twenty.

I get up from the couch and head toward the kitchen. I see Momma P cooking while Momma J is sitting at the island.

I walk up behind Momma J and put my arms around her as I kiss her cheek. "You love me right?"

"It depends... How much is it going to cost me?" Momma J shoots back clearly knowing my intentions.

I let go and took a seat by her. "Enough to buy dinner for McKenna and me."

I hear a huff coming from Momma P. "Don't mind me over here as I slave over the stove to feed you."

"You know Logan can eat enough to make my absence not missed."

Momma J nods in agreement. "You are lucky I'm feeling generous."

She gets up and goes over to her purse. When she comes back she hands me two twenties. "Thank you."

I put the money in my pocket but remained sitting. "Can I ask you guys a question?"

"You just did, but I will let you ask another one." Momma J teases.

I take a deep breath. "When you two started liking each other did you guys know for sure you were gay?"

"No." Momma P answers. "I can answer for both of us and save some time. We were both really confused by it. Jordyn was dating Derek and I was questioning everything with what I thought I was feeling."

"Why do you ask?" Momma J asks after Momma P answers.

I shrug my shoulders. "I was just curious. When did you know what you guys were feeling was real and it was something not to be afraid of?"

Momma P nods for Momma J to answer. "I think when you have true feelings for someone you will know. Even when you try to put distance between you and that other person the universe will find a way to pull you together."

I hear a snort from Momma P. "For our instances we happened to run into each other all the time."

I noticed the look they were exchanging. It was cute, but sickening at the same time. "Are you struggling with your feelings for someone sweetie?" Momma J rubs my shoulder as she looks at me intently.

I should be able to talk to them about what is going on in my head but I can't. "No, I was just curious."

"Are you sure?" They both ask at the same time.

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