Chapter 20

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Caitlin POV

Peyton and I were the last ones at the school. By the time we got outside, the parking lot was cleared out.

I set my board down that I got from my locker. Peyton looks at the board and backs up at me.

"You are not riding that!" I take a step towards it and she lunges for me. "Caitlin! I am serious! You hurt yourself on this thing earlier!"

I wasn't planning on riding my board home. My body is too sore and there is too much uphill compared to coming here. I don't tell Peyton that though because seeing her overreact was cute.

"Okay fine." I bend down to pick it up and grimace in pain. This must be my karma.

"You are not carrying that either." Peyton snatches the board before I grab it. "I will."

I sigh as I stand upright. We make our way towards our neighborhood. The walk was silent until we got closer to my street.

"Are we stopping by your place so you can get clothes?" Peyton questions.

I didn't say anything until I could see my house. "Yeah." I answer when I notice all the lights are off which means no one is there. As we get in front, I look at Peyton. "Can you wait out here? I am just going to run in and grab my stuff."


I grab my board from her so I can take it in. Even though the lights are off, I walk quietly making sure no one is here. As I make it to my room and back down, I go to the kitchen and write a note for my parents again.

-Staying at McKenna's.-

I quickly go outside and start walking down the sidewalk with Peyton.

"Your parents know you are staying at my house right?"

I don't want to lie, but I do. "Yeah of course."

We get to Peyton's and I notice her house looks like mine. Empty.

"Where is your dad?"

Peyton shrugs as she opens the front door. "I have no idea."

I followed Peyton to her room. Once in there I take a seat on the floor as Peyton sits on her bed.

The girl looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Seriously? Please don't tell me that's how you are going to be."

"What do you mean?"

"Caitlin, you are sitting on the floor." Peyton points out. "You are the one who asked to stay the night and now you are going to act weird if we get too close to each other."

I try to hold my laughter in. "Relax. I didn't want to sit on your bed since my clothes are dirty from the fall I had earlier. Let's not forget my sweaty body from the game."

"Right." Peyton blushes. "Do you want to take a shower first?"

I move my head back and forth. "No you can."

"Okay." She gets off the bed and grabs some clothes. "Feel free to do whatever while I am there."

My eyes went to a book that was on her desk. "Do you care if I look at that?"

Peyton takes the scrapbook from the table. "You can." She hands it to me. "There are personal things in there."

Maybe I shouldn't then. "I don't need to look at it then."

Peyton lets go of the book so it's now in my lap. "It's fine. I trust you."

A smile forms on my lips hearing that Peyton trusts me again.

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