Chapter 9

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Caitlin POV

It is Tuesday, which makes it three days since Katie's. Three days since Peyton kissed me in Katie's kitchen. You would think things might be awkward between us but it's not. Why? Peyton has zero memory of any of the night.

After the truth or dare game, McKenna and her went off and drank a lot. Honestly I don't know how either of them are functioning, not to mention neither of them got sick or hungover. I'm not sure if I should be jealous or worried.

"Are you pumped?" McKenna throws her arm around me as we walk down the hall. "Our first game of the season. It's like Christmas."

Nothing beats the feeling of the first game. It's time to prove all the hard work was worth it.

"I am excited but extremely nervous." I confess. "If we lose a game it's going to be my fault."

McKenna squeezes her arm harder around my neck. "Then you better not let any balls by you or else you will be the team's number one target."

I stop walking. "Thanks. You boosted my confidence up tremendously."

"Oh come on Caitlin." McKenna giggles. "I was joking. Plus we have a secret weapon this year. We were really good last season, but now with Peyton we could be unstoppable. It won't matter how many goals you give up."

Wow thanks. I feel better already, not. What if I do give up a goal, will they ignore me? Will they shun me out and make me feel less part of the team.

I was lost in my thoughts that I was unaware that I started walking again. I was even more oblivious that someone was calling my name. That was until a hand touched my shoulder and turned me around.

"What?" I snap. I looked up at the person and cleared my throat. "Sorry. Did you need something?"

It was one of Logan's best friends. He is wearing a half grin. "You know who I am right?"

"Yes Tyler." I look around to see if Logan is lurking around. "Did you need something?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing particular. Can I walk with you to class?"

"Sure..." I was hesitant to answer. Why is he even by me right now?

The walk was silent besides the other kids in the hall. When I get in front of my class I start going in when Tyler speaks up.

"I'll be at the game tonight." I turned my attention to him. "Logan thinks I'm going to keep him company but I thought you should know that isn't the case."

How am I supposed to respond and what does he even mean? "Thanks. I should probably head in."

God, I am awkward as hell.

Lunch rolled around and I "bumped" into Tyler two other times.

"What the hell Caitlin?" McKenna squeals as I take a seat at our lunch table. "Ashely told Kayla who told me that you were seen with Tyler multiple times today."

I roll my eyes. "Are you sure there was no one else in the chain of people who said this?"

"Shut." McKenna nudges me. "Start explaining."

"Who is Tyler?" Peyton asked before I had a chance to explain."

"Tyler." McKenna sings. "He is a senior. He is on the football team and Logan's best friend. Let's not forget his dreamy eyes."

He does have pretty eyes.

Peyton looks at me with an unreadable expression. "Is he interested in you?'

I am surprised she was the one that asked me. "I doubt it."

"Then what did he want?" McKenna gets antsy. "Did he actually speak to you?"

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