Chapter 12

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Caitlin POV

"You don't look well." McKenna puts her hand to my forehead as I continue to walk. "You don't feel warm but you look like shit."

"That's because I'm dreading going to my pre-calculus class." I took my test Monday and it's now Thursday, the day we are supposed to get our test back. In other words, this is the day I find out that I'm ineligible. "Coach probably won't let me travel this weekend."

McKenna looks at me confused. "What are you talking about?" I give her a friendly glare to help her remember. "Oh! You are pretty positive you failed your test which means no soccer and no more weekend tournaments which also means no time away from home and your asshole brother."

"Yes, thank you for pointing out all the things I will miss."

McKenna walks me all the way to my class. She then proceeds to smack my chin. "Chin up bitch. You were the one who begged to be in this class. Still no normal person knows why."

McKenna makes me question our friendship every day. "Why do I need a reason to challenge myself academically?"

"HA!" She laughs in my face. "You hate math so you do realize I don't buy that bullshit. I think you joined the class because of..."

Before she finishes I stomp on her foot. It's the only way to shut her up. "You have no clue what you are talking about."

"Don't I?" She winks before limping off. Of course she has to add the dramatics in with her foot.

I sigh before walking into the classroom. I go straight to my seat and lay my head down. It wasn't long before Peyton walked in. I'm not trying to stare at her but her desk is in the direction I'm laying my head in.

She makes eye contact with me and sticks her tongue out. I roll my eyes and smile.

Things with Peyton have been the same. She has no memory of last weekend. She doesn't remember me picking her up or of course the kiss. When she was at my house Sunday her response was 'Andi had been playing a drinking game and the next thing I know I woke up in my bed. No clue what happened in between.'

I didn't bother to tell her the information I know. I didn't and still don't see the point.

Class begins and is now close to the end. "Okay class." The teacher picks up a stack of papers. "I'll be passing your test out. There was one perfect score and there were four that failed." He looks right at me. "If you correct your mistakes you will be given half credit back. However, the corrections won't be added into your score before eligibility goes out at 4pm today."

He gives us good news with a catch. There is always a catch. All I can do now is wait.

"Come grab your test." He instructs as the bell goes off.

I stay seated while everyone rushes up there. Why be in a rush to be shown I failed?

Once Peyton gets her test, I stand up. The room is now empty besides him and me.

I approach his desk. "Can I have my test please?"

He shakes his head. "No."

This is a joke right? "Why not?"

"I do not have your test." He sits himself up straight in his chair. "Your soccer coach requested it."

Of course he did. "Well could you tell me what I got please?"

He shakes his head. "You need to speak to your coach." His voice was stern. "I would suggest extra studying in the future."

I take it that was his way of telling me I failed. This makes me not want to show up for practice.

Take Your Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें