13 -- Confessing Rick's Secrets

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The portal drops Rayna into a docking bay of an industrial spaceship with a hatch to outer space 100 feet behind her. Rick pulls Morty through his other portal into a control room. As Morty gets momentarily grossed out by the bodies of decaying crew members, Rick sits next to one at a control console.

Rick flips a switch and his voice booms into the docking bay, "Alright bitch, listen up!—"

Morty sees Rayna through the glass to the next room and gets more pissed than worried, "Rick, what the hell!"

Rick continues, a little less angry because he felt in control, "—I'm sick of your shit. There's no other reason you'd fuck with us this long unless you knew you were a spy."

Morty reluctantly says, "She said she was messing with us because it was fun, is that what you want to hear?"

In a way, yes, but Rick tries to ignore what Morty said, hoping it's something more. He presses a few buttons and a computer voice announces, "PREPARE FOR LAUNCH IN T-MINUS 5 MINUTES," and a display in both rooms starts counting down from 5:00. "CAPTAIN? IS THAT YOU? I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO SENSE THE CREW FOR WEEKS."

Rick explains, "When this reaches zero, that hatch behind you will open, meaning if you don't tell me what you know and where you went, you'll die."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" She starts cracking up, hysterically, uncontrollably, falling on the floor laughing, "HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!"

"It's not a game bitch!" But he could see she was laughing for some other reason. "Why the fuck are you laughing—Why the fuck is she laughing?!" turning to Morty to glare.

Morty's anger calms, seeing she's not worried, and he says with bitter sarcasm, "Oh I don't know. The irony?"

She finishes gasping for air and her laughter fades into a sigh as she just lays there.

Morty starts trying to figure out the controls, "Rayna, I'll—I'll figure out how to get you out. Don't worry," even though he was worried himself.

"Morrrttyy..." Rick warns.

Rayna wipes tears of laughter from her eyes. She takes her sweet time in getting up as she says, "No it's ok hun. My father was a neurosurgeon and my mother was a psychologist for the insane. I was his right-hand man in doing experiments on them, and I was hers in curing and controlling them. Rick thinks he has me trapped, but I think it's the other way around," now standing straight, staring straight at Rick. "So let's see where this goes," spoken as more of a bitter threat than lighthearted, but certainly both.

Morty chuckles, "Ohhh snap."

Rick not only gets madder, he now questions this plan, but couldn't let her win.

Rayna holds her forehead and yawns, "Uhg. Now I'm sorry I stood up. Today was exhausting. Goodnight..." and lays down, closing her eyes.

Morty was still trying to figure out what buttons wouldn't get her killed and Rick was glaring at Rayna but waving his hand in Morty's face to obscure his view of the controls. Morty tolerates it, not looking away from the buttons to say, "Rick, this is stupid. We both know you're not going to kill her, so cut it out already."

"Yeah, and I knew you would both think that, so if that were true, WHY would I even BOTHER?"

Morty says, "Like, a lot of reasons. Like, because you suck, because you're mean, because—"

Rayna continues Morty's list, "—Control. Caveman dominance. Because he's weak. Because I'm practically unflappable and he hasn't been able to flap me yet."

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