8 -- Break In

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"Get down Rayna. I don't want the guards to smell your crotch and come running. Or yours Morty. Lonely scientists get desperate."

In the cover of night, the three of them look through a facility's security fence, so Rick portals them beyond it to access a secluded side entrance. "Just so you don't whine, we're not portaling to get inside because we don't know what about her old job could trigger her memory."

Rick yanks her hand onto the door's fingerprint scanner and she doesn't care, but it errors.

Rayna says, "It's because my fingertips are all burned."

"Now we know who did it," Rick says. "They don't want you back in. It coincides with the fact your stupid hipster name is definitely just a codename," and he starts hacking the multiple security systems.

Morty watches him hack, trying to learn. "Rayna's a real name, the singer—or—I mean—"

"Not when she was born, Morty. It didn't exist then." Rick hacks an eyeball scanner that pops out. "And it only exists now because there will be a never-ending supply of idiots that pick baby names like they do for their pets, because kids resemble dogs." He hacks a screen that asks for the full number of pi. "I mean, the only reason why you haven't met a kid named Trinity or Anakin is because they take the even-shorter inbred bus to school. Though I don't know why the long bus is a different size, because let's face it..."

The door opens and they start walking down hallways as Rayna says, "As much as I would love to go on a murderous rampage, can you do it without killing anyone at this place? I could have friends in here," though she seemed more lighthearted than concerned.

"Yeah, friends that want you dead."

She crosses her arms to start laying down sass, "So you're not a genius then? You don't have tricks up your sleeve?"

"Nice try, but I was already gona use 'em. When am I ever n~UURP~not amazing. Unlike you and your shoddy attempt to manipulate me just then."

"I did NOT— I DON'T manip— Arrgghh!" realizing he's right.

"Jeez, keep you voice down. What's your deal anyways, I was just joking."

A fat security guard waddles over to see who yelled and raises his gun. "Who are you? Freeze."

Rick says, "Uh, hello! I work here dumbass, can't you see the lab coat!? And so does she."

The guard isn't sure he recognizes her, so one eyebrow goes up, not amused, "Uh... Just for calling me a dumbass, I'm calling Frank."

Rick instinctively pulls out his memory eraser, but eyes Morty, then puts it back, hoping he didn't see it, but he did. As Morty opens his mouth about it, Rick instead decides, "Alright, fuck it. In here." Rick opens a portal over an open doorway and they follow him inside. It appears they've just entered the next room and Rick locks the door.

Morty looks back, "Uh, you know... the door was open. Shouldn't we save the charge on the portal gun?"

Rayna teases, "I see. He's just trying to show off his genius invention now that he failed to sneak in undetected."

"Oh you see, do you?" Rick smirks. They start following him out another door and down halls.

Rayna says, "Yeah, you could have just opened the portal under him. And another thing: How do we know I didn't kill myself? I mean I have scars all over my arms."

"Those are BDSM scars. Or you were a very stupid emo. Take your pick."

She examines the scars with a growing smile, "Oh yeah huh. Neato."

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