Jura vs Lucy

303 11 4

"...Well just like 3 years ago, to continue the judging for the rest of the team, we shall use the MPF(Magic Power Finder) to decide!"

Blue Pegasus (Hibiki)- Score 150

Quatro Pup- Cerberus (Nobarly) - Score 200

Mermaid Heels (Millianna) - Score 400

Sabertail B (Glidarts) - Score 9000

Current placing:

Sabertail A - 1st place

Sabertail B - 2nd place

Raventail - 3rd place

Mermaid Heels - 4th place

Quatro Cerberus - 5th place

Blue Pegasus - 6th place

Lamia Scale - 7th place

"Don't worry Lyon! You'll catch up soon!"-Lucy shouted causing Lyon to blush but gave a firm nod 

"Of course!"-Lyon

"ALLLLLLRRRRRIIIIGGGGGHHHHHTTTTTT!Nowwwww, the fight of the strongest, Jura vs....LUCY!"-Chapati

"HUH?! SO SOON?! WHY CHAPATI?!"-Lucy wondered as she has a slight panic attack.

"Well...It's so cause....It happens >.<!-Chapati answered

"*Sighh* Welp gotta go!"-Lucy said to her teammates

"Beat his ass Lucy!"-Natsu

"You can do it my princess"-Ryuu

"Don't worry, you can kick anyone's ass and that includes mine*Chuckle*-Laxus

"Do be careful, It hurts me to see you get hurt.."-Rouge

"Don't worry Rouge! But, I agree.Please be careful Lucy."-Sting

" Do your best Lucy!"-Gray

"Thanks Guys!"-Lucy thanked as she flashed them her signature smile causing all the boys in range melt.

Lucy giggled at their reaction before walking confidently to the arena where her opponent awaits.

~~~~With Yona and gang~~~~

"Is this really safe? Won't they get hurt?"-Yoon

"Well, of course they will but it helps them get stronger and shows people that think we're weak that they're wrong."-Levy

"But who would think you guys are weak? From what I know, you guys have been the strongest mage I've seen so far."-Kija 

"Thanks for the compliment.However, what Levy said is true. There are people who think that we're weak along with our bonds like little Wendy at the podium, a lot of people find us cruel to put a child to find with an adult but what they don't know is that Wendy wishes to be seen as an equal..Not a child..Even Lucy.."-Minerva 

"??What about Lucy?"-Yoon

"....N-Nothing! Anyway, Have you guys seen how Lucy fought before? It's one of those kinds that will linger in your mind for quite some time."-Levy

"Oh, now that I think about it,  we didn't get to the previous time since we were too worried about her!"-Yona

"Well then , it's time to watch the most beautiful fighter fight!"-Minerva 

~~~~With Lucy~~~~

Lucy walked to the middle of the arena, greeting Jura as he did the same

"Hello Lucy-dono, looks like we got picked again."- Jura

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