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---------Lucy POV-----------

"Hi I'm Zeno"

"Once again,Nice to meet you.So Yona,What are you doing in magnolia?"-Lucy

"We were dropped off here by captain since she said that the transportation here is easier."-Yona

"well that is true but it's late now,do you have a place to stay the night?"-Erza

"Well.....No and I'm pretty sure the money is different from where we come from so we're gonna sleep in the woods."-Yun

"N-no.....W-with the bugs?!Princess is not going to sleep at such a disgusting place"-Kija

"Hahaha.W-well if you all want,you all can stay at my house.I just got a new places and there's enough for all 7 of you guys."-Lucy

"But Luce"-Natsu

"No Buts Natsu,this means no barging into my house and staying over,that applies to you too Laxus!!"-Lucy

"Hmph,No promises"-Laxus


"Does it matter with you?It's not like you're dating her"-Laxus

"Now now,all kinds of people break into my house without my permission so you guys aren't the only one.*Goes to one corner and sulks*And I don't even know why."-Lucy

Yona and the 6 guys sweat-dropped at my sudden change of attitude but returns to reality when Yun got their attention.

"But we can't intrude you like that Miss lucy."-Yun

"Oh!It's no trouble at all.In fact I will love the company!So how bout it Yona?Hak?Old times sake?"-Lucy

"Sure Lucy!"-Hak and Yona

I smiled and soon fairytail went back to partying until it was nighttime.


It was late,I need to get Yona and her gang back before Hak goes crazy with the others.*Looks over and sees Hak dancing weirdly with Natsu and a naked gray*yup Gotta go before they go even crazier.

I walked up to Yona

"Yona,let's go before Hak goes even crazier.I'll have too much to handle if he's one of them."-Lucy

"Sure but what do you mean by one of them?"-Yona

Before I could answer her,I got pounced on by a snake.A purple snake to be exact

"Cubellios!"-Lucy said as the snake slithered around her neck


"W-wait....I-if you're here...That means.."-Lucy

Suddenly a hand wrapped itself around my waist and pulled me back.Soon,my back collied with something hard.Then,I felt someone hug me from the front but there was no one,soon my brain clicked.Of course,it's them...

"Midnight,Cobra.Stop joking around and show yourself"-Lucy

"Tch,you're no fun blondie."-cobra

As they spoke,they started to appear in front of everyone's eyes.Surprising everyone especially Yona and her gang.

"Shut up and don't appear in my house for now,I have guest over."-Lucy


"Why can't we still come over even though you have guest over?Ahh,are you worried that we make you do something indecent in front of them? If so,*hugs lucy from behind and buries his head into her neck* don't worry we won't do anything on you don't like.*blows her neck*"-Midnight

I blushed at what midnight told me.I quickly got out of his grip and grabbed yona and her companion's hands and teleport us to my house which was the heartfillia estate. 


"Welcome back Miss."

"Spetto-san I told you alot of time to call me Lucy,anyway as you can see we'll be having guests staying over.Please prepare rooms for them please."-Lucy


I turned back to see everyone,I saw their eyes wide open.

"Miss Lucy do you happen to be from a rich family?"-Jea-Ha

"Yea.I managed to buy this house back after saving up for awhile!Anyway I stuff to do so I'm gonna go first,enjoy your stay and if you have any questions feel free to ask!"-lucy

I walked out of the house,reaching Mother and Father's grave.I re-equip some flowers and placed them at their grave

"Hey Mother,Father.I missed you, you know the job that i went for 10 years ago?The one which I came back 3 years later?The two kids that I took care of are all grown up now,though we're basically the same age group cause of the Tenrou....It's late,I'l talk to you two tomorrow okay?Good Night!"-Lucy

I went back to my room and soon fell into a deep slumber.

---------The Next Morning---------

I woke up and looked at the sky to know the time,5.00am I got up and went outside to practice some of my magic when I saw Yona shooting some arrows I smiled and walked towards her.

"Morning Yona!"-Lucy

"Lucy!!Good Morning.Why are you so early?"-Yona

"Gonna do some training like you."-lucy

-------timeskip cuz I'm lazyyy---------

As I'm mediating, I heard someone shouting my name.When I opened my eyes I saw Yona staring at me.She told me that it was time for breakfast,I nodded and went to find everyone at the dining table waiting for us.

After breakfast,Loke appeared saying that the stache-man was looking for me.I called virgo to give me some clothes in order for me to go to the celestial world.When I reached there,stach-man gave me some information saying that I should go with Yona for her adventure cause she will meet my enemies and get used by them.I went back to earthland and teleported everyone to the guild.I went to master's office and filled him in the details,he allowed me to go protect yona.

I not letting them get hurt under my watch.

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