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-----------Lucy POV--------------

I soon went back to my house only to find it in a mess. I looked around my house and saw the struggles of the group. I quickly traced them using my nose and it soon lead me to a cave. As I ran in, I heard the guys shouting to let Yona go. When I arrived, I saw Hades standing there with Yona in scratches. 

I released a wave of magic which caused Hades to shake in fear as he struggled to stand up. The guys stared at me in awe and shock, I took out my dual blade my ran towards Hades and cut the air in front of him.He was shocked which caused him to drop Yona, the boys ran towards Yona as I turned into a lighting and went behind Hades placing my dual blades on each sides of his neck.

"Hades. I've warned you about this,What are you doing here?"-Lucy

"I-I'm here under the orders of him!!*Smirks* HE"S BACK AND THERE"S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT THIS TIME~"-Hades

My eyes widened as he finished his sentence.No....Why.....Isn't he dead?!My thought was cut off by an arrow shot towards Hades

He tried to run but I held him in place as the arrow shot his back.He screamed and tried to get out of my grip but I held him in place.I slowly chanted my spell as I continue to held him in place.

Ice started to form from his legs and his hands,it starts making it's way up and within seconds he was covered in ice.

"Thanks for the info Hades.Farewell."-lucy

I said as I used my dual blades to push him towards the floor causing him to shatter.I ran towards Yona and hugged her.

"you okay?! Did he hurt you?!"-Lucy

"I'm fine lucy."-Yona

"I'm sorry,it's my fault..."-Lucy

"Nah.It's princess being princess."-Hak


"hehehehhe. Anyway, good news!Guess who's going with you at your journey with you guys~"-Lucy

"No way?!You got permission?!"-Zeno

"But why?"-Yona

"u-uhhhh.B-because,remember?When you two were younger, you wanted to travel with me."-lucy

"*grins*great!One strong companion!"-Hak

"Hey!Who said she is the only one?"

"Wha-*Turns around*Natsu!Laxus,Lyon,Gray,Midnight even Cobra! What are you guys doing here?"-Lucy

"Obviously we're going with you!!We can't let you go alone."-Gray


"No buts..Gramps already gave us permission."-Laxus

"*sigh*Fine,Let's go back for now.We'll set out tomorrow.Is that ok Yona?"-Lucy

"Yup,It's fine."-Yona

We walked back into the estate and soon went into a sleep slumber.

~~~~~~The next morning(At the guild)~~~~~~~

"Well,Bye everyone!We'll come visit!!"-Lucy

"You better Lu-chan!"-Levy

"Of course I will Levy-Chan"-Lucy

"Erza,if anything were to happen, feel free to contact me okay?"-Lucy

"No problem.Do the same if you ever need help."-Erza


Everyone put up the fairytail sign and soon we walked towards the train station.But before continuing, the boys and I stood in one line catching Yona and her companion's attention.

"Now then..Back with the introduction....We The Reapers shall join you in your journey."

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