Manish Pandey.

Começar do início

" Oh my! I just praised you a bit " he spoke rolling His eyes

" Don't roll eyes over me!" I pinched him

" Ouch!! What's with the hitting?" Manish rubbed his hand

" You !" I hissed

" Are you on your periods?" He asked out of blue

" What the hell , Pandey?" I shouted

" Because you are behaving Bipolar" he stated

" Food is here" I said deciding to ignore his comment

" Ohhhh, someone is on their periods ?!" Manish teased

I glared at him and continued eating. I finished my food and saw Manish on his phone.

"For god's sake, I thought we were on a date " I taunted

" What? It's important!" He exclaimed

" Yeah Yeah sure, more important than me" I fake laughed

" Well, yes because I just booked your ticket to Australia with me " he smiled keeping his phone down

" Manish, you know I can't accompany you. I have m-" I was cut off by Manish

" I've spoken to your boss and he said yes. No worries " he grinned

" Aren't you a little brat?!" I pulled his cheeks

" Your*" he corrected

" Why are you so cheesy today ?" I asked out of blue

" I'm not cheesy " he glared

" Aww someone hates it when they are called cheesy " I giggled

" It's not funny " Manish replied

" Well, it is. The Manish Pandey Is Cheesy " I laughed

" Ewww No, I hate being Cliche" He dusted his hands

" But you just became one " I stated

" I'm shaving my beard " Manish spoke

" Wait, what? " I asked starstruck

" I. Am. Shaving. My. Beard. " He said word to word

" Why? You know I love your beard right? And plus you look more sexier in it " as soon as I said those words I clasped my hands upon my mouth

" Uhh, sexier? " Manish smirked

" You know, Manish. I just love it but it's your choice. I'm sorry I over reacted " I apologized

" Pie, I know how much you love my beard but it really becomes more sweaty and plus I want to try something new " he explained as I nodded

" And what if I look more sexier?" He smirked

" Oh shit! Stop okay. It was a slip of tongue " I covered my lie

" you can never lie from me " he grinned

" Ughhhh, I hate you" I folded my hands

" You look so cute when you are angry. " Manish complimented

" Shut up " I glared at him

" Looks like someone is angry on me " he spoke making me stand

He pulled me to the balcony which had a pure view of the city in night. The lights of the city made it look more attractive. It was just so majestic

" You are more beautiful than this " he spoke as he put his arms around me

" I know" I giggled

" Narcissist" he mumbled

" Learned it from you. The best!" I winked

" Someone has turned mischevious" he smirked

" Again, Learned it from the best" I laughed

This time even Manish laughed with me , he put his head on my shoulder clutching hard onto me. It was like he never wanted to let me go.

It's crazy how everytime I see him my love increases. I have never loved someone so much. I never even knew that there existed so much of love. I admire him for his smile, talks and looks. The way he motivates me is so enthusiastic.

Manish and I have been together for 2 years now, and as much as I want this relationship to go ahead. I want to wait for him, for him to give me the answer. After all, it's him and I

Manish Pandey, the name which will always drive me insane


Yay! Another one up. I just love writting this one. I think it sucks but I don't know I'm happy about this one.

So, piyanshi_3 how was this one? I hope you like it. And thank you for making me write this one. I honestly enjoyed it❤

Congratulations to all my loves who got their deserving places in England, Ireland & Afghanistan tour. I'm very excited to see the matches as the teams look quite strong.

Anyways a note to all, the ones who requested a " Abhishek Imagine "... I'm sorry, your imagines will be posted later as I had said this week is for IMAGINES ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE (( leaving Abhishek ))

The book is already about Abhishek Imagine so you can request it anytime. Not to sound offending. I promise to post them as soon as posted.

Happy Reading!
Keep Votemmenting!


Cricketers' Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora