"Inside" I managed not to stutter which was surprising this guy was  huge and intimidating it probably didn't help that I tend to get intimidated easy especially by boys.

"Sit back down" he said coldly while he took a seat next to where I was a minute ago I looked down at him in disbelief did he really just try to order me?

I may have the courage of a chicken nugget but he doesn't have to know that...maybe I can...get away?

He looked up at me again he had violet-red eyes they were exotic and mesmerizing especially compared to my hazel I mean sure hazel eyes where cool cause in certain lighting they appeared to change colors in a sense but still his where absolutely amazing.

"why aren't you sitting down?" his voice boomed.

Maybe I don't want to sit down maybe I don't  trust you.. you freaking intimidating, ordering beast I shouted in my head knowing I wasn't brave enough to say that to him. I contemplated if I should sit down or just leave. I slowly sat down a few feet away watching him carefully.

"Why are you sitting so far away?" he said angrily.

I blinked a few times trying to contemplate what to do, I inched forward a bit and stayed still again.

He sighed "What were you reading?"

"Oh um...It's called the Princess Dragon"

"That sounds interesting what's it about?"

"Um well...It's about a princess who..um is trapped in a tower-"

"Oh it's one of those cliche books"

"Now wait just a minute it is not cliche yes she's trapped in a tower and yes she gets saved by a knight in shining armor however it has a major plot twist and I would share but I don't wanna spoil it."

"It still sounds cliche"

"Then don't read it but it's great and not cliche" I huffed and started to back away.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me forward so I almost hit his chest but I caught myself and looked up and saw him smirk a hint of amusement. I quickly sat up and backed away from him, he growled and grabbed my hand again. I stopped moving only to see him raise my hand with his a kissed it. I'm pretty sure I was as red as a tomato.

"I just want you now" he whispered and starred into my eyes bringing my face closer to his.

I freaked out and instantly freed my hand smacking him I started to run toward the school. I heard a growl behind me I froze and turned around slowly the beast well that's what I'm going to call him since I don't know his name had growled and looked mad or at the very least annoyed.

What the heck happened we were having a nice conversation and now this!

I felt a hand grab my waist and I was pulled into a hard chest warmth immediately consumed me and large arms wrapped around my small frame I froze this is sexual assault or is it harassment either way he's violating me.

Then I felt his nose go into the crook of my neck and he breathed in deeply did he just smell me?

Definitely a creep I didn't know what else to do so I jabbed him in the stomach with my elbow making him step back I don't think it hurt him but he was definitely surprised and I ran inside the school he can't do anything to me at least not right now.

I heard him growl again but I ignored it and went to my next class. I rubbed my elbow it hurt is he made out of stone like seriously what a weirdo I was however thankful he wasn't in any of my  classes though there's still a few more to go before I'm out of the clearing.

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