I start singing along with the song, making Emilio stop his off key singing. I'm looking out the window while singing along with the lyrics as the we stop at a red light once again. I don't notice Emilio looking at me until the song comes to an end and I turn around to put another song. He was looking at me, amusingly.

"Am I that bad?" I ask embarrassingly. Emilio has his jaw slightly dropped when he listens to my question. "Cupcake, are you kidding me?! You sound.. I can't explain," He tries to think if a suitable word. "Majestic." He says snapping his fingers as he blurts out the word.

"You're lying," I don't believe him. "Am not!" He pouts.

"Are too,"

"For real! I never knew you had such a good voice!" He compliments as I feel my cheeks heating up. I'm blushing again. Like goddammit blood I really don't need you right now.

"Now I feel left out," Emilio says turning back to the steering wheel driving. "Why?" I question him. "Because," he pauses. "You have a really good singing voice, I sound like a dying whale, and there's nobody to sing off key with," he says keeping an eye on the road. "There's Dylan," I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, Dylan sounds good too!" He pouts. "He does?" I ask, he nods in response. "How come? He sounds like a five hundred year old dying turtle trying to survive." I state. "Nope, that shows me that you haven't heard his real singing," he says.

So Dylan has a good singing voice that Emilio knows about and I, his beloved little innocent -not really- sister? Oh come on, Lan. And yea thats his nickname. Horrible, I know. It's because I gave it to him.

"Well, then, I'm gonna confront that man," I say in a dramatic tone, emphasizing the word confront. "You should, he actually sounds really good. And you know me, I'm honest whether it's for the good or not. I'd insult Dylan's voice, but it's too good." He explains as we park in the parking lot of the hospital.

"Come on, they must be waiting for us," he says as he takes the key out of the ignition. "Correction: The Cupcakes." I point out then step out of the car hearing Emilio's chuckle. We both start walking to Kaitlyn's room when I suddenly bump into something. Emilio was ahead of me, I think he thought I was behind him since he didn't stop.

I look up and get the horrifying sight of someone I never wanted to see again. Bryan Anderson.

[A/N: I was gonna end it here but I'm in a good mood soo..here ya go>]

"Well hello there, shortie," Bryan says, as if he never did anything wrong. I'm just looking at him anxiety filling my eyes. My shoulders feel heavier and my breath goes faster by the second, like I'm running a marathon. My legs are shaky, barely giving me the chance to stand still.

Do not have a panic attack. Do not have a panic attack. Not in front of him, he can't know you're weak.

I don't say anything. I stay quiet knowing that if I speak, I'll stutter and terrify my own self. Instead, I try to walk away from him, but he holds my wrist pulling me back.

"Let go!" I shout knowing that if I don't do anything now, it'll all become worse. Once I shout, it catches a lot of people's attention, especially Emilio's.

Emilio snaps his head towards my direction, I look at him helplessly trying to get out of Bryan's hold. I see some people hesitating to help but when Emilio gets closer, three ladies that look like they're in their 20's approach me along with two guys that look about the same age.

I'm a very sensitive person, you see. So I can't really do anything to stop Bryan on my own, I need help. I cry easily, one of the main reasons I'm this close to crying.

Emilio comes and pulls his hand off forcefully, then pulling me back behind him. The three girls try to comfort me as I start tearing up, focusing on Emilio, Bryan, and the two other guys who were ready to rip Bryan apart along with Emilio.

"What is wrong with you? Didn't we make it clear that we don't want you to even look at her?" Emilio says through gritted teeth. "You piece of shit."

By now everybody was watching as I stood there just staring at them as the other girls stood beside me.

It was all happening so quickly. One minute Emilio and Bryan are arguing and the other, Bryan is on the floor almost unconscious. Security guards were pulling Emilio back stopping him from fighting any further. I see the security guards taking Emilio outside the hospital and people helping Bryan up. I run towards the security guards.

"Let him stay in please, we're just going to visit somebody," I say to one of the guards stopping myself from the crying that Bryan had caused. "This is a hospital, Miss. Not an appropriate place to get into fights." One of the guards tell me. "But all he was doing was trying to help me.. we know that guy and he's no good," I explain trying not to give too many information. The guard sighs shooting me a sympathetic look and gives the other guard a look indicating that he can now let go of Emilio.

I give them a warm smile as they leave, leaving me and Emilio outside right in front of the entrance. Emilio immediately takes my hand and investigates it.

"Are you hurt? Did he do anything to you? Is your arm okay? Do you need a doctor? What did he do?" Emilio bursts out asking questions one after the other giving me no chance to reply. "Calm down, Emilio! I'm fine, really," I assure him, but he isn't convinced enough since he keeps looking at my arm.

He then looks at my eyes, I feel like he's reading them. I do the same, I see worry in his eyes. I see anger, all kinds of emotions mixed together. Negative ones. He then wraps his arms around me, engulfing me into a warm hug that felt nothing like the other hugs I've received in my life. It was a new feeling to hug Emilio this way, I felt loved. I put my head in the crook of his neck as he continues to comfort me doing nothing but simply having his strong arms around me.

Everything with him is different.



Longest chapter yet! Wow as much as I'm having a writer's block I still managed to write a lot.

Impressive *claps for myself*

So yea I don't know what to say..( why is this awkward? )

Qotd: "We must accept the end of something in order to begin building something new."

Love y'all 💗

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