Chapter 7:

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When he said place I think he truly meant giant store in the center of town.

"How do you even find anything in this place?" I gaze around but see rack upon rack upon rack of clothing.

"It's no different from stores in the real world. Just look by department," DeNyle grins and twenty minutes later I have bought a warm coat, another pair of pants, fuzzy winter boots, a hat, scarf, gloves, and a cloak to block some wind.

"How much did you spend?" Rocky gazes at his brother impatiently when we finally emerge from the super store.

"Just one thousand," DeNyle grins mischievously. What a little liar. I think to myself with a subtle smirk.

"What time is it?" I question and Rocky's eyes flutter for a moment.

"5:30, why?"

"Oh shoot!" I exclaim. "I've gotta get home. Mom is making dinner since Dad is finally going to come visit the new house!"

"I can drive you home," Rocky offers. "See you in the real world."

"Menu," I whisper and the screen pops up. I press the 'logout' button and the ground drops out from beneath me.

"Oof," I mutter. "That still feels like falling several stories."

"I mean it's kinda like a roller coaster," Nyle grins when he pulls off his headset. "Just in your mind."

"I suppose," I sigh and reach into my pocket to pull out my phone. "Yeah she is already texting me to ask where I am."

'On my way' I reply to her and watch Flint remove his Cyber Tech headset.

"You'll bring me home?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yeah, come on," he replies and Nyle and I follow. He opens the door to their garage and inside I spy a 2015 Mustang.

"Wow!" I grin and rush up to the side.

"Don't scratch it," Flint warns. "Or I will kill you."

"How did you get this?" I question. "This car must be like fifty years old!"

"That is exactly how old it is," Flint blinks slowly before climbing into the car. "And to answer your question it was my grandfather's."

"Wow, he must be a cool guy," I grin and hop into the front seat beside Flint. "You're just lucky they still allow manual driving cars on the road."

"Was a cool guy," Nyle sighs. "Gramps passed away two years ago and left us his house and this car."

"Oh," I mutter. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's alright," Nyle shrugs. "He lived a long life. He never liked the way the new technology was developing anyway."

"What about your parents?" I inquire as we drive the short distance to my house.

"They're both gone too," Nyle replies. "We lived with Gramps for most of our lives."

"Oh," I sigh and glance down at my hands. I may hate my father but I am still glad to have one.

"Well we're here," Flint puts the car in park and I realize we are the only car parked in the driveway. Dad isn't here yet.

"Thanks for the ride," I reply. "And for letting me borrow your Cyber tech. I will let you know if I can go online tonight or not. It depends on what Mom has planned."

"Don't sweat it," Nyle grins and hops out of the car to take my seat. "Have fun with your family." I wave goodbye and trot up to the front door. Once inside I pull off my shoes and set my backpack on the floor.

"Mom?" I call out and find her sitting at the kitchen table with food laid out.

"Oh, May," she smiles and I notice her wiping a tear from her cheek.

"What's wrong, Mom?" I sit down beside her.

"Your father said he won't be able to join us tonight. Something happened," my hands clench into fists and I grit my teeth. That stupid old man stood Mom up?

"Well," I growl. "We have all of this food. Would it be alright if I asked my friends to eat with us?"

"That would be wonderful," Mom nods with a smiling climbing onto her lips.

'Want to eat some food?' I text Flint and Nyle in our group chat and Nyle responds first.

'Food! We will be back in like two minutes!' I smile softly in spite of another betrayal by my father. Right on the dot two minutes later a knock sounds at the door and I pull it open. Nyle enters the room with a huge grin on his face followed by Flint who could care less.

"Hello," Nyle waves. "You must be Mrs. Temple!"

"Please, call me, Jean," Mom smiles and welcomes them both in. "You must be Nyle and Flint."

"I'm Nyle and this guy is Flint," Nyle grins and hangs his coat up in the closet.

"May has told me a lot about you both," Mom smiles and gestures for them to sit at the dinner table. "I hope you like baked chicken and mashed potatoes."

"Where's your dad?" Nyle asks between bites and I press my lips into a thin line.

"He called a few minutes ago and said he wouldn't be able to make it tonight," Mom explains and places another chicken breast on his plate. "He had something come up at work."

"Oh," Nyle replies. "That's too bad. He is missing out on some amazing food!" Mom smiles sadly and watches the boys eat.

"Thank you for showing May around town and taking her under your wings," Mom tells the boys.

"Not a problem, Jean," Flint smiles before sticking a mouthful of potatoes into his mouth. I raise an eyebrow at his nice words but do not tease him for them. "My brother is right. You are an amazing cook." Mom smiles and for the first time in weeks her cheeks are full and rosy and her eyes do not look as tired. I am glad the boys are having such an affect on her.  

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