Chapter Thirty Four : The Boy In The Alleyway

Start from the beginning

"I missed you too Logan," I managed to say in a strangled voice as he slid his fingers in my sparse hair. He twirled a strand and untangled it, letting it fall on my forehead softly, only to flick it back again. I smiled at him and he smiled back too, the faint hollow of his dimples visible under the moonlight.

"The moon makes your hair look like platinum," he said quietly with few strands slipping between his fingers. "It's soft too."

"It's hair," I pointed out. "If you had met me six months back, my head was the moon." He looked at me solicituously and I flashed him a lopsided grin. "You're allowed to laugh, it's not that sad."

However, Logan neither laughed nor said anything. He stroked my cheek like I was a cat and initially I would have purred to make a joke out of it, but his touch grew hotter. We both stared into each other's eyes intensely, his burning my soul. With less effort, I wrapped my arms around his torso and slowly, I rested my head on his chest.

"I'm happy you're here Logan," I said, my voice muffled in his shirt. His smell was an odd mixture of tide and sweat, but it was wonderful, in spite of him skipping showers [Boys did smell pleasant and nice, surprise, surprise!] I inhaled deeply and snuggled closer to him. "I have never been so happy."

"Don't lie," Logan remarked, but his tone was light and humorous. I could hear his heartbeats with my ear pressed so close, it was fast and loud. My own heartbeats increased and I felt myself getting jiterry. At first, Logan was stiff, probably startled that I hugged him. I felt the muscles of his body gradually relax and his heartbeats going back to normal- to a much rhythmic pace. Logan bent down slowly and squeezed my body, his hot breath fanning on my neck.

He was warm and so comfortable, all parts of him felt warm, comfortable and cuddly- even his hard, lean chest.

"It's so dark and we're here in the alleyway. I feel naughty." I giggled nervously. A part of me was relieved and grateful to the darkness, he couldn't see me blushing miserably. I was sure that he had turned pink too for his cheeks felt hot.

Logan just hummed in response against my neck, his cold lips brushing my skin, eliciting a shiver from me.

"What will happen after this?" I asked gingerly and he shuffled, straightening his back and resting his chin on the top of my head.

"I have turned eighteen--- "

"Oh yeah, happy belated birthday! It slipped my mind with the shock of seeing you and all."

"---and I don't think that jackass is required to look after me anymore. Jamal's father promised to talk to him, till then I'm supposed to be hidden," he continued and we both sighed.

"I hope this is all over soon." I rubbed his back, running my hands smoothly. He felt so warm and I didn't want to let go of him yet. "Are you eating properly Logan? Do you need anything-anything at all?"

"I want you to stop worrying Joy," he said sincerely and pulled away a little, to look down at me. His Adam's apple bobbled as he said, "I'm alright Joy and I want to know if you're alright too. I want you to stop getting anxious. If-If you want, try to forget about me for a while."

"I can't even if I want to. You're too precious Logan," I said fervently without any hint of humour. I wanted him to know that he was loved- at least by me. I could notice the trepidation is his eyes dissipating which was replaced by the new sparkling fire. I stood on my toes and kissed his throat wetly, my teeth lightly scraping his skin.

His eyes momentarily shut as he tilted his head back. He looked wildly beautiful and something stirred within me. The moonlight streaking his face made his cheekbones and jaw more prominent. The shadow of his long lashes on his cheeks, his thick eyebrows drawn together in a severe, raw expression, his slightly plump lips parted in a sensual sort of way . . . He didn't look like the awkward Logan anymore, he looked magnificent.

His eyes suddenly fluttered open and our eyes locked into each other's. I licked my lips carefully and he watched me. My own gaze flickered to his lips. I was inwardly imploring him to make a move and kiss me! I wanted to kiss him so bad and I didn't care that I would give my first kiss away. I was dying anyway and waiting for a special one to kiss sounded frivolous and childish.

But Logan was a special one.

Suddenly, blinding light flashed and Logan quickly pulled me beside him. I squinted as we both were glued to the wall. We were barely breathing. Soon the light passed and I exhaled audibly.

"Might be a car or something," I suggested and saw his shoulders slump.

He cupped my cheeks and said in a hoarse, hurried voice, "I got to go Joy. I came here only to find you and let you know that I was safe. We'll meet soon and I think that things can go back to the way it was."

"I think so too," I replied and felt myself flush in embarrassment. Just a second ago, I was thinking about kissing him, but that would complicate things. It was a senseless thought and besides, why would Logan want to kiss me? I was not desirable, definitely not in my diseased state. We behaved in such a reckless way since we got caught in the heat of the moment. It was because of the darkness and the moonlight which made things unnecessarily romantic. Satisfied by this conclusion, I nodded silently at Logan and waved him goodbye.

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