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Damian takes Dark's grayed hand into his and guides him through the house, parading him around as if the years they shared here never occurred. Crimson eyes scan the room, bewildered that nothing has changed since he left so long ago. Every picture still hung delicately on the walls, even the ones that Dark was featured in. The same leather interior, still sitting in the exact same arrangement that Dark helped him design. He glances back down at his hand, still intertwined in Damian's as he feels a thumb gently glide over his knuckles. Dark glances up into those intoxicating purple eyes making Damian smirk at the rubicund complexion that fell across the cheeks of his ex lover. They enter the kitchen and Damian releases his hand, "I'll get started on the brownies, make yourself at home."

Dark nods and finds himself tugging his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes land on a fuzzy teddy bear propped against a shelf, that hangs overhead. His fingers move hesitantly against the soft fabric of the plushie before pulling it down and allowing a faint smile to find its way across his cheeks.

"You kept it," he asks, keeping his back towards the larger demon. Damian hums softly before responding quietly, "of course I did, it was from my favorite romantic getaway. . . With the love of my life," he mumbles the last part under his breath, but still loud enough to catch the ember haired demons attention.

Dark turns, facing the mesmerizing violet eyes that were already smiling back at him, "really?. . ."

Waves of crystal blue, speckled with an array of shimmering greens crash against the warm, tropic sand. Two boys lie together on a wrinkled, pastel blue towel with fraying ends. The raven haired boy tickles the ribcage of the smaller, who was currently draped over his chest, causing him to squirm and giggle.

"Damian! Stop it!" He swats at the hand of the raven haired boy, still giggling. Damian sees the advantage and snatches his lover's wrists into his hands, straddling his waist.

"Make me," he teases, leaning down to ghost his lips over the others neck, "Darky." Dark tilts his head to the side, granting him access to nip at the lightly gray skin.

"You—you know I hate when you call me that," he whines as he arches up against his boyfriend who continues to lick and bite at his neck. Damian kisses his way down the glistening skin of Dark's bare chest as his fingers slowly trace their way down to the hem of his swimming trunks and begin fiddling with the laces.

A soft moan escapes Dark's chapped lips as he realizes what his boyfriend is up to, "no—no baby, not here," he whines as Damian slips his hand underneath the material grazing his fingers against him. "Too—too many people." Damian silences him by attaching his lips onto Dark's collar bone, sucking a dark purple bruise onto his skin and gripping him firmly.

"Shh Darky, there's no one here but me," he moves his lips from his lovers chest back to his lips, taking his bottom lip between his teeth and tugging lightly, "and you," he presses a tender kiss against his lips and smiles.

Dark blushes and moans as Damian moves his hand faster, "but—but you, oh fuck—you promised to take me to the carnival today." Damian leans back and removes his hand from Dark's trunks, pouting playfully before sighing, "alright Darky, anything for you." He climbs off of him and stands, taking Dark's hand into his and helping him up.

The couple makes their way off the deserted beach and roam through the cobbled streets, observing the small shops and boutiques. Dark notices the entrance to the carnival and runs towards it, dragging his giggling lover behind him.

"What do you want to do first, baby?" Damian asks before smiling as he watches Dark's entire face light up.

Dark doesn't say anything but stares wide eyed as he walks towards a carnival game, he stops when he's only inches away from the booth. His eyes never once leave a small stuffed bear that is perched against a splintery wooden shelf. His boyfriend walks up beside him, waving his hand in his face in attempt to get his attention.

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