Chapter Thirteen

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"Are you ready?" Ollie asked me excitedly, pushing up his own glasses and his large purple eyes blinked at me, slightly impatiently.

"Yeah sure, kid," I said, yanking my sleeves over my hands.  "Uh... where is...?" I let my voice trail off.

Ollie held out his hand on to me, expectantly.  "She told me she gave you a key."

I blinked in confusion, glancing at Logan and Patton, who both looked just as mystified as me.  A key? When did she give me anything, much less a key?

"What does the key look like?" Logan asked for us all.

Ollie shrugged.  "Something that's periwinkle."

"...Would you provide some possible examples?" Logan asked, frowned as he adjusted his glasses.  "What type of things are keys usually made from?

"Um," Ollie frowned thoughtfully.  "A flower, stone, leaf, seed, or something like that."

... A periwinkle stone.

Before I could even stop to think, I dug my hand - slightly stunned - into my pocket, pulling out the periwinkle stone that I had appeared in my pockets after Rom- after the funeral.  "Kinda like... this?" I asked, holding it out to Ollie.

Ollie blinked at the stone before giving me a smile.  "Yup, that's it," he said, taking it from me and tossing it around in his fingers.  "Where's the nearest mirror around here?" Ollie asked.  "It has to be really big."

All our eyes flickered to each other.  No, not Roman's room -

"I have one in my room," Logan offered.  "Follow me," he said and all of us followed, Sparks curiously staying right on Logan's heels, tail wagging curiously.  Her nose kept sniffing at Logan's shoes, trying in vain to him to stop and pet her.  Logan glanced down, but he didn't cave - continuing to lead the way to his room.

We reached his dark brown door and he easily popped it open, gesturing for us to enter.  Patton was the first, followed by Ollie, then me, and finally Sparks - who was still sniffing Logan's shoes and was probably sad that his brown loafers didn't have laces for her to chew and play with.

Logan's room was really neat and it had changed since the last time I'd been in here.  A large black desk, file cabinets in the corner, large king size bed with a black stained wooden frame, black bookshelf filled with books.  One large wall covered in what I could best describe as a massive smart board - so big that it stretched across the entire wall - neatly organized computer desktop on display.  The walls were simply white as was the white carpet under our feet.

Logan shut the door behind him, gesturing to the back of the door.  A long full length mirror hung from the back of it, and he waved a hand at it.

Ollie didn't say a word, simply tossing the stone at the glass.

I gasped, hand instinctively reaching forward to try and desperately catch the stone.  But I was too late, and I winced in horror, waiting for the inevitable sound of shattering glass - 


And it didn't come.

It was like something from Alice in Wonderland, the glass... not breaking, but it was as like Ollie had tossed the stone into water, ripples sliding across the mirror.

I blinked in confusion to see no stone, nor shattered glass.

How - 

"Come on, Vee," Ollie said, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the mirror.  "Don't forget to hold your breath."

"Wait Ollie wait - "

It was too late, and somehow this seven year old kid was strong enough to drag me through the mirror.

There's No Such Thing As Happy Endings - Book Three of the Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now