I perked up at what Hussein had said to me and I smiled whilst nodding. "That sounds fine with me but you better order it now before I die of starvation."

"Don't worry Zara, I'll go pick it up, and I promise to be quick. " said my uncle as he got up from his seat and put on his coat, he patted me on the head before leaving.

Oh no, that left me with Asif,  Saif and Hussein.  I prepared myself for the embarrassment I would be facing,  however an idea struck me and I ran up to get my laptop. I came back down and set up on the sofa, Asif and Hussein was playing Xbox and I think Saif had gone to the bathroom.

"Hey what are you doing? " called Hussein as he was playing.  "Well I visited Asif's little brother's school and he and his classmates wanted me to right a sequel to the book, so I thought I bettet start right?"

"Amaan has been begging me to read it to him since he saw me reading it..."

"Wait, you've read it, what did you think? if you don't like it tell me." Asif turned to look at me ignoring the game and I immediately felt self conscious.

"It was great but the ending was horrible. "

I crossed my arms defensively and narrowed my eyes at him. " Please elaborate what you found horrible about it."

"The last line was 'She dies.' How could you just kill her off like that? Obviously the guy, Matt, was devastated but how can you write a sequel, it wouldn't be the same without her."

I thought about what he said and it did make sense. " So what do I write about then?" I pondered over this for a few minutes before Asif spoke up.

"You could write about her younger sister or the really nice couple who she worked with?"

"That's a great idea, thank you." Asif smiled and shrugged and I got straight to work.  By the time my uncle had gotten back I had finished my first chapter, it was not because he took long getting the pizza it was because my ideas were flowing and I had a great story plot.

We ate and it was Saif and Husseins turn to play, once he had eaten, my uncle left for his study to finish some work off. That left Asif and me in the kitchen,  the silence was comfortable as we were both knee deep in our own thoughts.

I pulled out my laptop and began typing. "Could I please read what you have so far, since I did give you the idea " I hesitated and shook my head to indicate a no and he sulked and gave me his best puppy eyes which just made me laughed.  I pushed the laptop towards him and I got up to get some ice cream. He did a little happy dance and nearly fell to the floor which made me laugh even harder causing me to gasp for air. Once I sobered up I opened the freezer door.  "Do you want some? " I asked whilst waving the ice cream cones. He looked up and nodded before starting to read again. I handed him his ice cream and he began to eat it absentmindedly whilst reading.

I started to fidget I didn't know what to do with myself so I just sat in silence eating my ice cream staring at Asifs face so I could see a reaction from him. He smiled at the parts, that were to be smiled at and he laughed at the right places which caused me to smile in return.

By the time he had finished reading he had finished his ice cream however some sat on his nose, causing me too laugh once more. He looked up at me confused and I couldn't get any words out, which made me laugh some more.

"You've... got ice cream...on your face" I said between laughter. He looked up and sulked before a devilish grin overtook his face and my brain was screaming for me to run but I didn't.  He took my ice cream from my hand and I knew what was going to come.

I tried to wiggle out of the barstool but it tipped backwards. Asif tried to catch me but we both ended up on the floor covered in ice cream.

We were both laughing when my aunt,  mum and Ameerah walked in and me and Asif started to blushed.

Ameerah was grinning from ear to ear much like a Cheshire cat. My aunt and mum were also smiling and didn't bother to question us as they started to put the groceries away.  I picked myself up and Asif did the same and I sat back on the barstool.

"Um Mrs Ahmed I was hoping I could take Zara out... you know... to get to know her a little well." Asif started to scratch the back of his neck as he said this and I realised most boys do this as a nervous tendency.  My mum replied. " Yeah sure just arrange a date with her and bring her home before 9 or I'm sure Saif and Hussein would murder you if you don't. " My aunt who had been watching the while ordeal agreed with my mum and they both started to put the rest if the shopping away.

I walked Asif to the door and we arranged for him to pick me up the day after I was going to meet Yusuf at the engagement. I went to bed that night in complete bliss.

Salaams/hello lovelies, I'm sleepy lol hope you like it and please comment thoughts even if you're thinking about cake or llamas. Sorry it's late because I usually upload after midnight but I had to put my brother to sleep which is hard when he's still in Ramadan mode. Another cute zasif moment(I really hate the ship name). Any ways I'm going to sleep and the next update will be tomorrow.  Much love, Ayesha. ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Not your average Muslim love story!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora