Chapter 13

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The events of the training exercise had really taken its toll on the team. Black Canary sure had her work cut out for her. Over the past few days she had been meeting with all of the members of the team to talk about what happened. Most of them just tried to mask how much they were really hurting.

She first talked to Aqualad. He went on about how he had disserted his team his team by dying. "I believe I must resign."

Black Canary crossed her arms "Who would you suggest take your place?"

He sighed "Artemis is too headstrong. I do not believe she would lead well. Wally is very impulsive. He acts before he thinks about the consequences. Megan tries too hard to please people. Connor gets angry easily. He loses his temper."

Black Canary nodded "So that leaves Robin."

Kaldur looked down "But he's so young..."

Black Canary smiled at him "Kaldur you're all young."

He shook his head "I can do that to him. And besides... I feel like his being leader could cause more tension."

She raised an eye brow "How so?"

He sighed "I have no issue not knowing Robin's secrete identity. I believe it is his right to keep it hidden. But I know some of the others don't see it that way. Artemis and Wally in particular." He shook his head again "No I can't do that to him yet. I believe that Robin should lead the team one day. I just want to give him enough time."

Dina's next patient was Connor. At first it was very slow going. She kept insisting that it was ok for him to show weakness but he wouldn't hear any of it. At one point he got so angry that he stormed out of the room.

She had almost given up on him when one day he came to her and requested a session. He talked about how he was happy to finally be like Superman. He felt guilty for being at peace while all of his friends died around him. She had no easy answer to tell him, but she was glad that he took the step to talk to her.

Next was Megan. The way that Dina would describe her was a total wreck. She outright refused to use her powers. She said that she couldn't trust herself to use them around others. Dina told her about when she almost deafened her first grade class with her canary cry. That seemed to help her a bit. But there was still more work to be done.

Next were her two hardest cases. Dina walked out into the sitting room where the team was waiting for her to come get one of them. When she called in Artemis she got a loud groan from the archer.

Artemis insisted that she was fine. That she had been in a coma the whole time so she was fine. She found out that Artemis seemed to have a bit of a crush on Wally. When she pointed this out though she of course denied it. Ah... young love...

When she came to get Wally it was a very similar response to Artemis'. He insisted he was peachy. (Although he would never use the word peachy.) It was nearing the end of their session and Dina thought that Wally seemed fairly ok. Sure, all of them would be a bit shaken up for a while. But she was worried about Wally, Artemis, and Robin the least. She figured those three could handle it.

Although Wally's next sentence changed her thoughts about one of the three. "You should watch out for Robin. At the end of the mission he was really shaken up..."

She raised an eyebrow "How so?"

Wally rubbed the back of his neck "Rob would kill me if I told you... But it's for his benefit. Right before the two of us died, he hugged me super tight and started crying." Wally looked down "I'd never seen Robin cry before. I have seen Robin beaten and broken, on the brink of death, but I have never once seen him cry." He met her eyes "That tells me that he was more terrified in that instant then any time he has gone up against the Joker, Penguin, and the Riddler, all of Gotham's villains!"

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