Chapter 9

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Three months had already flown by for our heroes. They had stopped a crazy robot, met Doctor Fate, and had welcomed a new member to the team. It's never a dull moment when you're a super hero!

The team was currently sitting around the TV waiting for their next mission. "Wally you picked the channel yesterday! Give me the remote!" Robin chuckled as Artemis and Wally bickered. They hadn't known each other for long but he already had a feeling that they liked each other. But don't tell them that. (They don't know yet.) :)

Artemis finally got the remote and the first thing that popped up was Gotham News. Why was that at Happy Harbor?! Cat Grant was on one side of the screen and on the other was a face all too familiar for Robin.

"It has almost been five years since the murder of Mary and John Grayson." Cat reported into the microphone. "Ever since their death, their son Richard Grayson has been missing. On your screen is what he looked like when he disappeared. Now here is an artist's rendition of what he probably looks like now."

A drawing of a boy with back hair appeared on the screen. He had blue eyes and what looked like a touch of acne. Wally laughed "He kinda looks like you Rob!" Robin remained silent. It wasn't perfect, but he had to admit that the picture was pretty close. Too close.

Cat continued reporting "If you see this boy call the number on your screen below." Robin had had enough. He grabbed the remote from Artemis. "Next year Haley's Circus has scheduled to come to..." she was cut off as Robin changed the channel.

"Hey!" Artemis complained "We were watching that!"

Robin didn't say anything as he walked into the kitchen. The team looked over at him confused. Megan got up and followed him. He seemed upset and she wanted to know what was wrong.

"Robin?" he was sitting at the island with a glass of water. He wasn't drinking it, he seemed to just be staring at it? "Are you ok?"

He finally looked up "Huh? Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention." He took a sip of water.

Megan sat down next to him "Are you alright? You seemed kind of shaken up..."

He grinned at her "I'm totally asterous."

She smiled back. He seemed happy enough. She must have been mistaken. "So what do you think this mission Batman is sending us on is going to be about?"

He shrugged "No clue."

~time skip~

Robin woke up with a splitting head ache. "Where am I...?" he looked around and all he saw was desert. He tried to think of how he got there "Batman and I must be on a mission..." he vaguely could remember Batman telling him that they were to be on radio silence. "Guess that's not an option..."

He checked his hologlove "September?! What happened to March?!" suddenly a car appeared over the crest of a hill. Robin hid as he watched them go by. "Those were Bialyan soldiers..." he looked back at his computer "What am I doing in Bialya?! I seriously need some answers..."

~time skip~

Robin ran through the desert as the sun slowly set. "Why did I put a marker here?" he saw some kind of computer sitting in the sand. "This smells like a trap..." he decided it was best to play along and he walked towards the computer.

As he'd suspected Bialyan soldiers suddenly surrounded him "Her majesty wants him alive!" Robin quickly threw down a smoke pellet and started taking down the goons.

After half of their team was knocked out they finally decided to open fire. Robin was evading the bullets when a blur flashed past him. The gunfire stopped and as the smoke cleared he saw Kid Flash smiling at him with a pile of guns in his hands. "KF!" Robin ran over to him and gave him a high five. "It's good to see a familiar face!"

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