"Weren't you engaged to the prince?"

"That isn't an excuse for being the worst human alive."

Radley laughs, "Well then congratulations."

He picks himself up. "I don't know if you guys have any plans today, but I do know that Violet's going to be done with breakfast soon, so you might not want to be out here too long."


Radley goes back inside, and Milena continues rocking Sean in her arms.


The town's market area was full of bustling bodies. Violet's hands were full of empty bags. Allegra was on her notepad. Zain was exploring the new place that is currently surrounding him.

"Thank you for coming with me," Violet says.

"I'm really excited to go shopping!" Zain exclaims.

"Things like that make me wonder how you're still single," Violet jokes.

"I've never done it before. It sounds like so much fun."

Violet smiles, "That all depends on who you ask. And Allegra, make sure to remind me about getting your fabric."

"I will, don't worry," Allegra says.

Violet opens the door to one of the shops and motions for Zain and Allegra to enter. The scent of blood overpowers Zain's nose when he walks in and begins trying not to shiver. Along the wall of the shop are racks of mean in shades of pink and red. In the back is a steel counter that separates the customers from the workers.

"Hey, Ralph! Are you hibernatin' back there!?" Violet shouts.

"Can you wait thirty seconds!?" a man responds. "No one around here has any patience."

Violet smirks before walking up to the counter. A middle age man with a red-stained apron on comes out to serve the customers with a butcher's knife in hand.

"What can I get for you today, Violet?" the man asks.

"Just the usual."

"You were shoutin' at me just to say that? It's not like you have the queen waitin' for you."

Violet motions toward Zain and Allegra. "I still have guests. Cedric brought some friends home from school for their winter break."

"My my, what do we have here?" The man scans the two teens with bright eyes, "You kids got names?"

"I'm Zain, and this is Allegra."

"Those are some mighty strange names you got there."

"It's not like we had any say in it," Allegra says.

The man laughs, "This one's just like you Violet."

He places his hands on the counter, "Let me go get that order for ya."

He disappears in the back of the shop as Violet rolls her eyes. "All that man does is cut meat and talk about the past, and he can barely do either correctly."

"What are you talking about?" Zain asks.

Violet sighs, "I used to be a bit of a wild child when I was your age is all."

Zain tilts his head, "I don't get it."

Violet chuckles. "I was just this big, tough girl who didn't wanna think about her future. I would constantly find ways to get myself into trouble. Mostly by pickpocketing rich fold who were passing through."

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