Chapter Twenty

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Thunder growled. A tabby brown she-cat came towards him with a big muscular grey and white Tom.
"Claw said that you wanted to speak with us." Pine said.
"Is it something very important?" Mountain said. Thunder nodded.
"You two will get a task." Thunder said.
"What kind of task?" Pine asked.
"Killing." Thunder answered smirking.
"Killing? Who do we need to kill?" Mountain asked ready for anything.
"Anyone who comes to the Oak mountains. Attack them and kill them!" Thunder said with a serious tone.
"Yes Thunder we will." Pine said as she walked away with Mountain.

Featherpaw was shorting out the herbs in good places.
"Where should Marigold go...hmmmm. Ah! Over here!" Featherpaw said as she put the Marigold next to Goldenrod. Lark came in the herbs store.
"Featherpaw, could you please go and pick some poppy seeds. We are out of them." Lark said. Featherpaw nodded.
"Take a warrior or Waterpaw and Rabbitpaw with you." Lark said as she left.

Featherpaw, Waterpaw and Rabbitpaw were walking towards Oak mountains.
"Why do we need to go to the Oak mountains?" Rabbitpaw asked.
"Because there we can find poppy seeds." Featherpaw explained.
"Can we grab other herbs on the way?" Waterpaw asked.
"Sure! The more herbs the better!" Featherpaw joked. Rabbitpaw saw tansy. She ran to it and picked it up.
"This is tansy, right?" Rabbitpaw asked as she brought it to Featherpaw.
"Yes it is! Good job Featherpaw! I guess you might be a good medicine cat." Featherpaw teased. Rabbitpaw laughed as she gave the tansy to Featherpaw.
"What does tansy cure?" Waterpaw asked as he looked at it.
"It cures coughts." Featherpaw said as she nudged Waterpaw.
"What does Marigold cure? I have heard you and Lark mention it alot." Rabbitpaw said as she popped her head between Waterpaw and Featherpaw.
"It stops infections." Featherpaw said as she pushed through them.
"My sister is growing up!" Waterpaw teased. Rabbitpaw giggled as Featherpaw gave a sharp glare at Waterpaw, but then laughed.
"I never knew that learning herbs and curing cats is actually fun." Rabbitpaw blurbed out.
"Have you ever even tried to cure a cat?" Featherpaw lightly punched Rabbitpaw.
"No, but seeing you do it, it makes me want to do too!" Rabbitpaw said as she jumped over a fallen tree.
"So you want to become a medicine cat eh?" Waterpaw teased.
"I never said that!" Rabbitpaw yelled at Waterpaw as she tackled him. Waterpaw and Rabbitpaw were rolling around, as Featherpaw picked up some Watermint she found.
"Come on you mouse-brained cats and  let's keep on moving. It might take us all day if you play around like kits." Featherpaw playfully snapped. Waterpaw and Rabbitpaw stood up as they shook snow off them.
"Featherpaw is right. Let's keep moving." Waterpaw said as he leaped on a rock and was leading them to the Oak mountains.

As they made it Featherpaw saw poppy seeds. She picked them up as Waterpaw and Rabbitpaw were play fighting. A bush shaked. Waterpaw looked at it. He closely sniffed it.
"What is it Waterpaw?" Rabbitpaw came close to him. This smell is not familiar... Waterpaw thought. A cat leaped out of it. It pinned Waterpaw down.
"Waterpaw!" Rabbitpaw screamed as she was clawed on the back. A grey she-cat was on her back.
"Mountain! Let's finish them!" The she-cat announced as she tried to bite Rabbitpaw, but she slipped from the grey cat's grip and clawed her leg, so that the she-cat fell. Featherpaw looked at them in horror.
"Run Featherpaw!" Waterpaw shouted at her as he bite the muscular Tom's paw. Featherpaw ran as fast as she could. She was tripping on small rocks and big twigs.

Thornbush was on a border patrol with Cloudfur and Baypelt. They heard footsteps. They turned and saw Featherpaw running and crying.
"What's wrong Featherpaw!?" Baypelt ran to her.
"HELP! WATERPAW! RABBITPAW! ROUGES! ATTACK!" Featherpaw screamed in fear as her tears fell on the snow. Thornbush looked at Featherpaw with fear in his eyes.
"Show us the way!" He commanded.

Waterpaw was pushed to the tree as the muscular Tom clawed his cheeks.
Waterpaw screamed as he pushed and clawed the Tom off him.
"Who are you!?" Waterpaw yelled as he tackled him.
"Mountain." Mountain smirked and he bite Waterpaw's back leg. He screamed again as Waterpaw bite Mountains front paw again. Mountain tripped. Waterpaw ran to Rabbitpaw and clawed the grey cat.
"Waterpaw!" Rabbitpaw came and hold her down. Waterpaw got weight on his back again as he was slammed down to the ground. Mountain clawed his back as Waterpaw yowled. Rabbitpaw was caught by the she-cat. The grey she-cat threw her hard on a rock. Rabbitpaw screamed and her eyes, slowly closed. Blood dropped down from her back. She was dead. Waterpaw stared at her dead body. She's dead! Waterpaw yelled in his head.
"Now it's your turn fox dung!" Mountain hissed. Mountain bite deep into Waterpaw's neck. Waterpaw screamed. His view faded. He only saw blurryness and two figure. Before he closed is eyes he saw a brown figure in the distance. It was a she-cat. Her face had fear and sadness.
"Let's throw the fishes where they belong to." A voice was heard. He felt that he someone was caring him.
Waterpaw closed his eyes. I will go to StarClan.

Featherpaw heard screaming and growls as she ran with the patrol. It was silent when they got there. They saw two cats throwing two dead bodies to the river. Featherpaw froze.
"THERE DEAD!!!!!" Featherpaw screamed. The two figures heard her. They quickly ran away. The other cat who was sitting fear in its eyes ran with them.
"Get them!" Thornbush shouted. Cloudfur and Baypelt rushed towards them. Thornbush followed them. Featherpaw was alone. Fear rubbed through her. She slowly went towards the river. She saw blood and two dead bodies. It was Waterpaw and Rabbitpaw. She hesitated. She breathed heavily. She screamed and cried. Her own siblings were dead.

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