Chapter Nine

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All the cats went silent and looked up at the four leaders.
"We are here with our kits for a serious gathering." Silverstar said.
"I hope it's very important, because if not then I brought them for no use!" Redstar snarled at Silverstar. Breezestar turned to glare at Redstar.
"Did you hear what Silverstar said? It is a SERIOUS gathering so of course it's important!" She hissed at Redstar and turned to look at Silverstar.
"We all cats have sented the fear." Silverstar continued.
"Oh not that one! He's back isn't he." A elder snarled.
"What do you think we need to do?" A she-cat shouted.
"We will make our kits one moon early to apprentices." Silverstar announced. All the cats started to talk.
"Us! One moon earlier to apprentices!?" Wolfkit said with excitement.
"We will be apprentices soon!" Dapplekit squealed. Darkkit looked at the leaders with wide opened eyes.
"That's awesome!" Shadowkit said.
"Please tell me, Icestar, have you sent or even seen a rouge?" Silverstar said turning to Icestar. Icestar nodded.
"We met Thunders son, Claw." He said. Everyone was talking again.
"That mouse-brained kit! What does he want? Spying on us!" Redstar snapped.
"No he came to me for a message." Icestar said.
"Huh? What was it about?" Breezestar asked.
"Maybe something stupid to waste your time Icestar!" Redstar hissed.
"Redstar! Calm down! He is just a kit he can't even hurt us!" Silverstar snapped. Redstar narrowed eyes at Silverstar.
"So your saying that kits can't hurt us? Well all your clan kits can't even make a scar mark! DustClan kits are way stronger than your Clan kits!" He snapped growling. Darkkit got so mad that what she thought she said it out loud.
"Stop bragging about your Clan and respect others Clans too!" Darkkit shouted. All cats turned to looked at her. She froze. Did I just say that out loud!? She gulped with fear.
"How dare you say that to me! Come here little kit and say it to my face!" Redstar snarled.
"Enough!" Icestar snarled at Redstar and gave a sharp look at him.
"The kit is right you should respect us and not brag about your Clan!" Silverstar snapped. Bearpaw gave a cold look at Darkkit.
"Speaking of respecting, one of my clanmates said that he smelled some of DustClan cats in our territory!" Breezestar gave a cold look at Redstar.
He gave a sharp look at Breezestar.
"What are you talking about? We would never want to put a paw on your territory!" He snapped.
"Huh I guess your right. You guys to good to step to our territory." She teased. Redstar snarled.
"Enough! Let's now talk about how out Clan is going an-" Icestar was interrupted by the sound of the spiked bush tunnel. All cats heard it loud and clear and turned to look at the tunnel. Then a Black Tom came out. He was the size of a kit. It's Claw! Darkkit said in her mind.
"What are you doing here!?" Redstar snarled.
"You are not supposed to be here Claw!" Silverstar snapped.
"I am very sorry to disturb your gathering, I couldn't help but to hear your conversation. And also I have a warning to you." Claw said. Darkkit blinked her eyes and looked at Wolfkit who was giving a cold look at Claw.
"Do you know him?" Otterkit whispered to Darkkit's ears.
Darkkit gulped. What should I say!? Darkkit panicked.
"Yes we do. He was in our territory while Darkkit got some moss for Lark." Wolfkit answered for her. Otterkit twitched her ears and looked at Darkkit with suspicious eyes.
"What is the warning Claw?" Breezestar asked.
"Why where you near here in the first place?" Redstar snapped.
"Thunder will attack soon. He didn't tell us when but he will attack one Clan at a time." Claw said. After he spoke he noticed Darkkit sitting at the far side corner.
"I guess he will attack DustClan first since he thinks we are 'weak'!" Redstar snarled.
"How do we know that this isn't a trap?" Silverstar said with a suspicious voice.
"StarClan will tell you that this isn't a trap." Claw said.
"I have enough of this! The clan meeting is dismissed!" Redstar snapped and leaped from the branch. All the DustClan cats followed him out of the gathering. Everyone was silent.
"You heard him gathering dismissed." Breezestar said and leaped of the branch with a other leaders. All cats went to there clan leaders and vanished from the tunnel. Darkkit was patting to her clanmates when Claw turned his head towards her and started to walk towards her. She froze. Why is he coming towards me!? Darkkit gulped with nervous. He came closer, until there muzzles almost touched. He leaned forward to her.
"Meet me at the river at midnight I have something to show you." He whispered to Darkkit's ears and patted away. Darkkit glared at him confused, while he walked away.
Why does he want me? What is so important to show at midnight? That's when it hit her. It might be a trap! Well I just got to see. Darkkit thought. Otterkit patted towards her.
"Come Darkkit let's go." She said. Darkkit nodded and followed her sister to the tunnel.

SnowClan: {The Begining} [finished!]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon