U.S.J Part 1: He Learns More About Your Fighting Style

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Izuku Midoriya

Only five minutes from entering the U.S.J facility, and there's already villains attcking everyone there. However, they weren't fake villains.

They were a hundered percent real.

A man with some type of warping quirk separated you from your classmates and transported you to a water zone. You would've been freaking out internally, but luckily you found out you were with Izuku, Tsuyu and Minoru once the frog-like girl brought you onto a ship with the others. There were villains in the deep blue liquid waiting for you four to attack them with all you've got. It would've seemed like fighting would be the best option at moment, but you all knew you had to come up with some sort of strategy. Well.. all of you except Minoru.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" The frightned boy shouted at you three as fearful tears poured from his eyes, "WE CAN'T FIGHT THESE GUYS BY OURSELVES! LET'S JUST WAIT UNTIL PRO HEROES ARRIVE!!"

"Think about it; those villains down there clearly have an advantage in the water." Izuku stated, ignoring Minoru's cries. "So that means they must've known what was inside the U.S.J before they came here." Tsuyu finished Izuku's statement, also ignoring the frighted male.

"However, for a carefully thought out plan like this, there's just some things that are off to me." Izuku continued as he stared at you and Tsuyu, "They sent you and (L/N)-san here, Asui- I-I MEAN TSU!"

"Aww! You're so cute, Deku!" You complimented as you giggled, only making the poor boy even more flustered than before. "YEAH BUT WHY DOES IT MATTER THAT THEY'RE HERE?!" Minoru screeched, making Izuku snap out of his adorable shyness stage.

"Yeah okay, right! It means that the villains probably don't know what our quirks are!" Izuku explained. You and Tsuyu both realized that as well, looking at each other with a silent 'He's right' look before turning back to Izuku.

"You've got a point, Midoriya." Tsuyu agreed as she looked towards the fire zone. "If they knew Tsu was a frog and I had a water type quirk, they would've sent us to the fire zone instead of here!" You also agreed.

"They probably separated us because they didn't know what we could do and planned to overpower us once we were in smaller groups; easier to pick us off one by one. We could use that to our advantage." Midoriya explained further, staring into the water, "They don't know what our quirks are, so for all they know, the four of us could be super powerful. Look. None of them are trying to climb into the boat; that proves they're a little unsure. But that means they're not going to underestamate us either. They're being smart and playing it safe for now."

"So let's all talk about our quirks. I'll go first if you want." Tsuyu started, "Obviously I can jump really high, cling to any wall, stick my tongue out to 20 meters long, and other things but they wouldn't be very useful in this situation."

"Wow Tsu-chan! I knew you were strong but I didn't know you were this powerful!" You complimented her, making her smile. Everyone else described what their quirks could do until it was your turn.

"I have a quirk called 'Water Generator'. It gives me the ability to generate or regenerate water out of anything solid, but if there's water around me, I can use that too. Once I have enough water to do as I please, I can solidify the water into any weapon of my choosing. However, it can only be weapons. It looks like crystalization, but it's not fragile like crystals." You explained as you touched a wall of the boat, taking a small chunk of the metal and transforming it into water. You then proceeded to morph it into a bowstaff and solidified it. To show them it wouldn't break, you whacked it as hard as you could on the ground, startiling them slightly, "See?"

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