He Thinks About You

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Izuku Midoriya

     It was just an average day in the classroom and nothing more. Aizawa was going to send Katsuki to get some heavy boxes of supplies from the supplies closet in the hall, but he kept being a smartass and telling him no. Since you were getting fed up with all the bickering, you stood up and offered to go get the supplies yourself. However, due to Katsuki's ego being so large, he saw your offer as your way of telling him that he can't do it, which led to more arguing until Aizawa told both of you to go get them.

     30 minutes later, you and Katsuki came back with the boxes; you carrying 5 while he was carying 1. "Why won't you let me carrry the other box, you fucking moron?!" Katsuki griped at you, seeing you struggle slightly under the weight of the cardboard squares. "Because I know you hurt your back yesterday during training, Bakugo-san. I know that hurts a lot, so I figured I'd might as well carry most of the load, y'know?" You replied calmly as you carefully walked to Aizawa's desk and gently placed the 5 boxes on it. Once you put them down, your hands went straight to your back as you stretche backwards, "I'm sure I'll have bad pains in my back as well. We can be crippled together." You suggested with a grin on your face, which made a tick mark appear on the blonde male's face.

     "Don't be looking down on me, dunceface!!" Katsuki spat, but not as loudly as he usually speaks while he places his box next to yours.

     "I'm not looking down on you, Bakugo-san. I'm looking OUT FOR you. It's what heroes do!" You corrected him as you stood back up straight. His face got a bit flustered, but his mouth deepened into a scowl as well. "Same difference, asshat."

     "No it's not, ya big dork."

     "You little-!"

     Everyone in the classroom watched you two bicker endlessly in front of the room. And of course, one of those watchers was Izuku. As he was staring at you snickering while Katsuki had his usual angry face on, he couldn't help but think:

     '(L/N) is really nice. Even towards someone as mean as Kacchan. It's a bit concerning, but it's also quite admirable.'

💥Katsuki Bakugo💥

     "Are you sure about this, (L/N)? I can help if you want." Eijirou offered as he went up to your small form, which by the way, was caring a huge wooden pole. Everyone was outside to work on speed training and All Might sent you and some of the boys to get the big wooden stakes to place in the ground. It was concerning to the boys since they noticed you were stumbling a bit under the tremendous weight of the pole. They kept offering to help you, but you just kept refusing everytime they brought it up.

     "No thank you, Kirishima. I'm perfectly capable of carrying this by myself." You replied calmly as you continued to walk with the pole, still struggling slightly.

     "Are you completely sure? You seem to be having trouble with-"

     "Yes! I'm a one hundered percent sure." You cut him off in the middle of his sentence in a bit of an annoyed tone. He went completely silent as you guys made it to your class with the other boys.

     "... Are you sure?"

     "OH MY GOSH, YES!" You shouted as you dug the huge wooden pillar into the ground, "See? Perfectly fine! You're too nice for your own good, Kirishima." You told him in a slightly joking matter.

     A pair of piercing red eyes were watching the little scene play out while he placed his own wooden pole in the soft textured dirt. It made him a little annoyed by all the friendliness being displayed, but his thoughts at the time were:

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