You Think About Him

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Izuku Midoriya

Class was about to begin for the day, and you were hanging out with Izuku, Ochako, and Tenya for the time being, since you were all pretty early. You guys were discussing about what might be in store for the class and what you guys were getting for lunch this time. However, as soon as you guys started talking about food, your stomach began to growl. You felt embarrassed, but it reminded you that you didn't eat at all this morning since you were all out of food. It also reminded you that you needed to go grocery shopping after school.

"S-Sorry about that, guys. I didn't really eat breakfast at all this morning." You admitted, scratching the back of your head in slight shame.

"That's not very good for your health, (L/N)! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Tenya informed you, making his little hand gestures that you loved so much.

"Iida's right! It's not good to make yourself hungry this early!" Ochako chimed in.

"I know, but it was either come to school starving, or eat a bowl of ice cream for breakfast." You explained, "And sugar first thing in the morning makes me feel even worse than feeling hungry."

"Well, since we're here early," Izuku spoke up, reaching for his bag. He then dug into it for a little bit until he pulled out a granola bar, "Eat this. At least you'll have something in your stomach." The fluffy haired boy then tossed you the breakfast bar. You caught it and stared at it a little in surprise. You kind of wanted to ask why he had it in his bag in the first place, but it didn't really matter.

"Thank you, Midoriya! You're such an angel!" You cried in joy as you wrapped your arms around his neck, "I'm going grocery shopping after school, so I promise that I'll bring something for you tomorrow! Anything you like!" Izuku couldn't help but get flustered at the closeness between you two, mostly because he's not used to getting hugs from people that aren't his mother.

"Y-Y-You don't really have to do that!" Izuku argued, letting his nervousness get the best of him, "B-But I'm happy t-to help!" You just grinned at his behaivor. After the first day of seeing this side of him, it didn't faze you at all. It just made him seem adorable!

'Midoriya is so nice. What did I do to deserve a friend like him?'

💥Katsuki Bakugo💥

"You mean you've never played CLUE before?!" You gasped in amazement. You were sitting in Izuku's desk for the time being to talk to Katsuki, even though he didn't want to talk at all. However, he eventually gave in to having a conversation with you after just a minute of you bugging him. You two were just talking about random shit you brought up, and one of those things just happened to be board games. You found out that he's played every board game known to man EXCEPT CLUE, which shocked you, since that's your favorite game to play! Well, that and the Game of Life, but CLUE was just more mysterious and exciting to you.

"So? Why the fuck does it matter?" Katsuki asked in an annoyed voice.

"Because CLUE is the best board game out there!" You countered back, "It's about solving a murder mystery! I'm completely shocked that YOU, out of all people, haven't played it before!"


"It means you're super lame!" You teased, sticking your tongue out to make him even more mad, "So, it's been decided that this weekend, I will teach you how to play CLUE! That way, you're not so boring."

"Like hell I'm going to waste my time playing a board game with you!" Katsuki argued, but you only shook you head and made a 'tsk tsk' noise.

"Why? Are you scared that you're going to suck at it like everything else?" You challenged, smirking to add to the effect. That seemed to do the trick though, cause after a second of consideration, he slammed his fist against Izuku's desk.

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