Sports Festival Aftermath: You/He Worry/ies About Him/You Pt. 2

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This takes place on the day off they have after the Sports Festival!

🍀Izuku Midoriya🍀

He Worries About You

Even though the Sports Festival came to an end a day ago, Izuku couldn't help but think about you. He was shocked when he found out you left early that day. He knew how important winning the event was to you, so it just peaked his curiosity even more.

He wondered if it had something to do with that phone call you recieved during the lunch period. Actually, he didn't wonder; he KNEW it was because of that call. Why else would leave? Especially after lunch?

'I just hope she's okay.' The green haired boy thought to himself as he was wandering around one of the many supermarkets in town. He was running an errand for his mother, which explains why he had a basket that held a small jug of milk and some vegetables. He looked around the aisle for a certain fruit, until he finally laid his emerald colored orbs on the bright red strawberries that were placed in a plastic box on one of the many shelves of the fruit aisle. He quickly walked over to strawberries and reached his hand out to grab them, wanting to get them first since they seemed to be the last box in stock.

However, as soon has laid his scared, peach colored hand on them, a more feminine, (S/C) hand landed on top of it. The shy boy instantly blushed at the contact and looked to see who the hand belonged to.

And speak of the devil. It was you.

You made eye contact with him as well, surprised to see him in the market as well. It felt like you two were staring for ages, until you both decided to retract your hands away from the strawberries.

"Sorry about that, Midoriya/(L/N)." You both said at the same time, in the same apologetic, flustered tone too.

"Go ahead." You both said in unison once again.

"No, I insist." You two retorted at once. You just smiled at him and picked up the box of strawberries. But just as Izuku thought he'd won, you quickly slipped the box into his basket.

"Ha! No take-backsies!" You exclaimed triumphantly.

"H-Hey, wait a minute!" Your classmate began, about to argue back, but just sighed in defeat, "Oh well, thanks, I guess."

"No problem." You grinned at him. Izuku couldn't help but smile back, however, it slowly faded as he got a better look at your facial features.

Your eyes had small hints of darkness under them. Not to mention they kind of look puffy, as if you spent the whole night sobbing. Your grin looked fake and tired, and your nose was also a bit red. Izuku knew the fake smile trick all too well. He DID use it on his mom his entire school career after all. You turned around to walk away, but he quickly got a hold of your wrist, causing you to stumble back a bit.

"(L/N)... Are you alright?" Izuku asked in a gentle tone. You bit the inside of your cheek at his question. On one hand, you didn't really see the harm in telling him about your friend. You knew he wasn't the type of person to go spilling it to the whole class. But on the other hand, you didn't want to bother him with your personal problems. You would feel like you would be asking for sympathy, which is the very last thing you wanted at the time. And it's bad enough you got an earful from your parents about leaving the Sports Festival early, so what if he thinks that a friend wasn't worth giving up your chance to be noticed by pros?

In the end, you decided to tell him.

"I lost someone very dear to me yesterday." You confessed, not even looking his way as you spoke, "They meant the absolute world to me. I couldn't go on in the festival with such heavy emotions, so I left early. I'm sorry if I worried you." You didn't need to glance at him to know he was shocked.

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