He was tall, walked with a small limp, he had broad muscles and looked to be in his thirties. He runs a hand through his dark shaggy hair and reveals his brown eyes. He wears a suit without the tie, and the way his jacket settles on his hips show that he is carrying a weapon in a holster. He gives me a curt nod before continuing.

"Mr. Struhst says you are to meet a friend. I am Logan, I will be escorting you and driving you wherever you need to go," he explains.

Of course! Mads was too paranoid to allow me to go anywhere by myself. I do agree that with everything that has happened, my luck being horrible, that it was a good idea to have someome watch me. I feel like a child somewhat hurt to have to have a babysitter but let's be honest, I get into a lot of bad situations.

I nod. "Doctor," I say.

Logan's eyebrows furrow. "You need-" he begins but I chuckle.

"You said mister, my husband is a doctor... Dr. Struhst," I say then chuckle again trying to show him that I am not one for being too serious or too troubling. He chuckles and nods.

"I forgot... shall we go?" He asks.

I follow Loagan to the elevator. We wait out the long elevator ride in silence until we get to the parking garage. He exits first, trying to be cautious. He takes me to the large black escalade where he thoroughly checks the car befor starting the ignition and then allowing me to step foreward and enter the car. Damn! This man took his job seriously.

I give him the instructions on where to go and from the parking garage we struggle through city traffic.

By three in the afternoon, I have made it to my destination and Logan is adamit about parking close and in the back of the establishment. He finds a spot and then carefully assesses the area before allowing me to exit the car. We walk to the front of the building, Logan stands very close to me and helps me navigate through the small crowd of college kids. I go to the cafe section and order a tea then ask Logan what he wants. He shakes his head telling me he is either not thirsty or finds it unprofessional.

After paying for my drink, Logan asks the barista to show him my drink and to make it in front of him openly. She is a little bid weirded out and it is obvious that she is no more than 18 maybe even 17.

"My husband is a politician... my gaurd just wants to make sure you aren't poisoning my tea," I explain as sweetly as I can to make her less nervous.

"Oh! Um... okay," he stammers before turning and grabing the chai tea carton from the mini fridge.

The barista makes my tea with shaky hands and Logan watches for any signs of danger.

Finally, I get my tea and then go to find a table. I can feel eyes on me from customers thinking im famous or something. My amxiety sky rockets as the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my body goes numb.

"This one," Logan says adamitly.

I figured it had something to do with security, being at a good angle or a good distance to or from the exit. I nod and sit down. Logan stands tall beside me with his back to the wall. He watches the customers intently.

"Oh my gosh! I thought I was going to be arrested for killing one of those stupid teenagers in that crowd!" Laney explains in her thick accent. She sits down across from me imediately.

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