He pressed another kiss to my forehead this time, "I would do anything for you baby girl, I'm so happy to see that smile. I'm in awe of you Tay," he declares earnestly.

His beautiful eyes reflected the truth in his words and my heart hitched a little bit when I realised that I had fallen. Completely and utterly in love with him. I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

"What do you think you're doing?" I hear my dad question. I turn to face him and I see the amusement in his eyes but there was a teeny trace of sadness. He tried to look like he was glaring at us but eventually, a smile cracked on his face as his eyes flicked between Noah and me.

"I'm kissing my girl," Noah declared respectfully, I don't know how he did but he pulled it off. Dad raised an eyebrow, "I can't believe you have a boyfriend Tay, it seems as if it was only yesterday where you were terrified of boys." I groaned in embarrassment and buried my head into Noah's shoulder as the two of them chuckled at my expense.

For the night we decide to camp indoors, instead of staying at a hotel. Given the lack of furniture, we headed to the nearest Walmart and bought a few blankets, pillows and inflatable mattresses. The three of us, and the camera crew set up a cost little campsite in the bare living room. We had ordered pizza for the lot of us and spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing. I couldn't remember the last time I felt so content at this moment. And so the family week wasn't the disaster I thought it would end up being.

I was awoken the next morning by someone shaking me. Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw my dad's face right in front of mine smiling. He was always way too happy in the mornings. His life motto was 'early birds catches the worm'.

"Let's go for a walk, Tay Tay."

I grinned up at him and quickly got changed in my old bathroom. Every Sunday morning, my dad and I would walk along the beach just catching up with each other, like we did when we sat on the cliff. He always made time for me.

I met him outside the veranda and we headed out. The walk was peaceful as we watched the waves crash onto the shore, and the surfer ride them out on their boards.

"How have you been Taylor?"

I shrugged, "I've been ok, it's been better since I've gone on the show and met Noah," I say honestly.

"How has Alicia been? I haven't spoken to her yet, this trip has been so last minute."

My heart sunk. I didn't know what to say. How do you tell your dad that the person he married is a complete nightmare and so are the daughters that came along with her?

"Your silence is concerning Taylor."

I looked at him and I knew my eyes were tearing up. God, I'm such a crybaby.

"I'm scared dad," I whisper.

He looks at me and sees the emotion in my eyes, he didn't really know about my panic attacks, but I guess it was evident.

"Hey hey, of what honey? What's going on?"

His arms were wrapped around me and I felt at home, "I don't want you to hate me dad," I whisper quietly.

He held me at an arm distance.

"Taylor Grace, that will never ever happen. Now tell me what is going on," he states in his stern dad voice.

I look at the ground and sigh, "They hate me dad, I'm pretty much their slave. They've moved me into the garage, and they live in the house. I'm not sure where she said we were moving but she bought this massive mansion in Beverley Hills but she won't even let me stay in the room."

I look up and I'm scared at the anger on his face. I knew I would make him angry, this was a mistake.

"Beverley Hills? When I called her she said that she would moving everyone to Minnesota, to downsize. Tell me what else she's done Taylor," he growls.

So I told him everything. From what they make me do for them and their insults, to the money Alicia's spent on plastic surgery, even though she's unemployed from what I know, to the threats they've made about going to university and even what they did to Noah and I, even though I still don't what his plan is. After I finish speaking I take a big breath and look up at my dad.

I see in his eyes the anger, sadness and regret. He envelopes me in his arms, "God, I'm so sorry Tay Tay, I had no idea. If I had known what they were like, I would have never left you with them. Forgive me, Tay?"

I couldn't help but I broke down sobbing in his arms. I was so lucky to have a dad who was my best friend and understood me.

"I'm going to fix this Tay, you don't have to worry anymore," he declares softly.

Eventually, we collect ourselves and head back to the cottage. Dad nudges me on the way and I see a small smile on his face, "So Noah huh?"

I groan, "Daaddd, stop!" All he flipping does is chuckle and say, "I still can't believe you have a boyfriend, you're still my little girl in my eyes. Does he treat you right?"

I nod sincerely, "He's the best dad, he makes me so happy."

Dad smiles again, but I see the twinge of sadness again in his eyes, "I'm sorry I missed so much Tay Tay, I didn't want to leave you. Now I've missed so many important moments of your life. And you've had no one there with you till now."

I shake my head, "I'm proud of what you've done dad and what you're doing. It's ok," I insist.

He squeezes my hand again, "This will be the last time I go back honey, and then I'll be back for good."

I spin around to face him and I could feel the grin on my face start to hurt, "Really? Are you serious?!" I squeal. He nods and I throw my arms around his neck once more.

My dad was coming back.

For good. 

A/N: Sorry for the short chappy! But I hope you still liked it!

QOTU: Are you a sunrise, daylight, sunset or night kinda person?


I have a new story coming out JUNE 1. I've upload a few sneak peaks on my profile. It's completely separate from SFC (maybe for older readers too??) It's called Royal Blood and I'm super excited to work on it! 

Pleas please please add it to your libraries or to read lists, so you'll be notified when I furst update! Thank you xxxx

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