Jaimee scoffs. "I'm actually taking care of your lovely daughter and both of my sons, thank you very much. Malia practically loves me and agreed that we should go to the trip."

My mom sighs. "I don't c-"

"But, you will when I sell these tickets on Craigslist. Now are you going to accept my offer of paying 85 percent of the money for the trip or will you continue to work in your job knowing that you had the opportunity to meet your favourite of all time?"
    🌴One year later:
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii 🌴

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Daniel K. Inouy International Airport where the local time is 3:47 pm.  The outside temperature is 82 degrees Farenheit. For your comfort and safety please remain with your seatbelt fastened until the aircraft comes to a complete stop and the seatbelt sign has been switched off. If you wish to use your mobile phones, it is now safe to do so. Before leaving the aircraft, make sure to take all of your personal belongings with you by checking the seat pocket and the overhead locker. If you have a connecting flight, make sure you're at the gate no later than 45 minutes before departure. For any assistance, visit the information desk. We thank you for choosing Daniel K. Inouy, and hope you've enjoyed the flight with us. We look forward to serving you again soon. Thank you and Good Afternoon."

Liam untangles his hand from my own and massages his forehead with stress. "Finally, I can't stand the airport food." He says.

"Really?" I ask surprised. "I thought the food was okay."

He gives me an astonished expression. "Yeah because,  you ate salad the whole time. I don't eat leaves with a small tomato on top. All of the food that I ordered smelled like dirty socks and goldfish cracker and whoever made the spaghetti should quit because, it taste like spicy rubber bands." He says disgusted.

I chuckle at his comment and intertwine our fingers and he gave me a half smile.

"Uh uh. Uh uh." Our hands were untangled and landed on our own laps by chestnut toned arms which were polished with crimson red nail polish.
"I meant it when I said I don't want to be a grandmother right now."

"Mom." I say with embarrassment. There were people around us who heard my mother. I don't want these strangers to assume that we're active. I'm keeping mine locked until marriage.

"No, Malia. I decided to pay for the trip so we can have fun..but, not too much fun." My mother pointed at the both of us.

Jaimee rolls her eyes. "Don't worry Mary, that's not going to happen. They're both virgins."

"Mom." asshole says embarrassed and quickly look at the eyes of the people around with embarrassment as well.

"You're a virgin, right? Jaimee asks.

Alarmed by the question, he looks away and at the window and covered his face with his hand,

"Liam, are you?" She repeated the question, now with concern.

Asshole sighs and looks out at the window. "Yes, mom."

"Mmmhm." My mom says pursing her lips and cross her long arms. She gave the 'I know you're lying' look.

Living with the Badboy🌹 l (BWWM) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora