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Recap from 'Dancing with him'
He stood in the balcony gazing at the stars at night. He didn't make any movement. After fifteen minutes searching for him I find him.

"Hi." I said softly hoping I didn't disrupt his peace badly.

He slowly looks back at me then back at the sky. "I need some time alone." he said quietly.

"Maybe try talking to me about what you're thinking about. Who knows, I might just help you with your problem." I said standing a few inches away from him also looking at the beautiful view of Las Angeles.

"Thanks for trying to help but, I can do it myself." he says bluntly.

"I'm only trying to help."

He stares at me then back at the view. He exhales. He doesn't speak for a couple minutes and seemed to be deep in thought. I patiently wait for him to speak.

" ever wanted to get rid of something..or wanted something to stop because, you hate it so much and try your best but, no much you try just can't get rid of it, it's just impossible?" he says without looking at my direction.

"Yeah. You." I joke.

"Ha ha very funny." he says sarcastically still not looking my way.

"Ok. In all seriousness,I think that're trying to get rid of is there for a reason. There is a purpose why that object is there bothering you. For example, not everything In life is how we want it to be. Shit happens. But, life is beautiful, fragile and yet gorgeous.  The people we meet no much we hate them or love them they are there for a reason.I like to think that the people I hate or think I hate is there in my life to make me a better person today or in the future. Sometimes I wonder why it is that way. Why is life..unfair sometimes  but then , I remember that if my beautiful mother is not perfect,my friends are not perfect, the choices I make are not always perfect, then what makes me think that everything in life will be perfect? If life wasn't that way then it would be too perfect."

He looks at me with an unrecognizable expression.

"Whatever you are going through..whatever that problem is..remember it is there for a reason."

He seems to be deep in thought.


The next thing he did was the unexpected. His warm soft lips touched my  lips.

Malia's POV:
(When Liam says 'she' he's talking about Katherine. After she cheats on him he finds no desire of calling her by her name.
·········  -········
What the heck is happening? We were just dancing and chilling but, now why the heck are we kissing?! His soft and warm lips are on mine. My cheeks are cupped into his hands as he gives me a long passionate kiss. Warmth radiates in my lips and slowly spreads through my body. The insides of my body feels like fireworks and my body is so tingly. I try to break away from the kiss but, he places his arms on my waist pulling me more closer and continues to deepen the kiss soon seducing me and I could no longer think straight. He nuzzled on my ear. He. Pulls away from the kiss &  I mysteriously miss the lovely heat curling within the kiss. His luscious lips tasted like mint.

We take the time to inhale air and refill our energy. I thought after hours of spending time with him during the ball would lead us closer to becoming just friends-laughing, talking, and hanging out but, never in my wildest dream did I think I would kiss him. And the worst part is that I enjoyed every second of it. How warm it pressed on mine and how my body reacted to it. It was intoxicating but, yet incredible.

"" I said not knowing what to say. It came out of nowhere.

"Yeah."he says.

"Why did you do it?" I ask him confused. We're only a few inches away from each other and his eyes glistened below the full moon.

He stares at me then steps closer gazing at my eyes then at my lips. "I don't know why but, what I do know is that-"

"What do you want to do with her?" Someone shouts from behind us and we both look back to see Katherine outraged beside a dude.

She has on an elegant wine v neck sleeveless and backless maxi dress.  Her blonde hair were curled and she has champagne sharee highs heels on her left hand. The guy standing next to her is buff and so tall.

Asshole looks infuriated when he see both of them. "What do you want?" he asks hoarsely.

"Well, I just got back from rushing out the hotel room and into Brandon's house to get ready for the ball. All thanks to this bitch you just kissed." she says vexed.

Liam's POV:

I quickly scanned Malia and she looks indignant from the words she spat at her. Her body tense and she slowly stroll to Katherine. I grab her wrist but, she gives me a look which made me let her go.

She walked until she could no longer take steps. "I want you to repeat what you just said again and I want to hear it loud and clear." she says in a still voice.

Katherine sneers before repeating the word. That's when Malia's hand swung so fast into her face fiercely not once but twice. "Bitches do as told so don't come here telling me that i'm one when you obey my command.

I grin as she looks frightened and shocked from the pain. I lost all respect and care for her and found no faze from her being in pain.

She quickly pat her cheeks and scan her hands as if there's blood.
"Did you just slap me?" she says.

Malia's POV:

I nod my head and stare at her the same way my mother did to me when I was younger. The stare that fears young children and currently a wimpy bitch.

"Yes, I slapped you and i'm not afraid to do that again."

Her date wasn't even doing anything just shocked by what I did to her.

"Brandon, she slapped me. Do something!"
She says yelling his name in vein.

Her date just roll his eyes. "Kat, you told me that this was going to be a celebrity party. I did not come here to be in drama. Came her to chill and have fun. Get loose a little babe."

"You're telling me to chill after she slapped me like that? You know what Brandon? Fuck you! I don't need you. Find some other girl to be with because,i'm through with you."

Brandon just shrugs his shoulder and doesn't look hurt. "Whatever. That's fine. There's plenty of beautiful, drama free woman with sexy bodies too."

She gapes.

"What Katherine? You didn't think I was going to flirt a little with them?" he laughs.
"Bye, i'm gonna ask for the girl in red hair and blue dress's phone number before she's off the market." he winks at her before walking away.

"Damn'." Asshole and I said simultaneously.

She looks at the marble floor and starts to wipe her eyes. I walk back to Asshole and grab his hand to leave the balcony.

I walk him back to the party.

"Well that was..something." I said.

He nods his head and smirk. "I gotta say..that slap you did to her was a definite turn on."

I laugh.

We chatted,danced, and had a few kisses. I got to say. That night was special to me.
Please do not hate me for the short chapter but, a new chapter will be coming this week so don't you worry.

-you'll soon know how Claudia and Liam are related
-why Liam hated Malia
-why he and the family hates Claudia
-More Drama and Romance
-Maliam is forming ya'll

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