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Last chapter was short and I feel like it doesn't need a recap so, if you need to read the last chapter: it's only a click away.

Short frequent chapters this week.

Malia's POV 🌷:

·My phone rings and they better have a good reason as to why they're bothering my beauty sleep.I check the caller ID and it was Asshole. I dismiss the call request and went back to sleeping.

Not even one minutes, and the phone rings again making me wish I could tear him apart. I dismiss the call request again hoping that he'd lose hope.

This boy wasn't having it because, he called again.

"Just pick up the fucking phone!"  Claudia yells from her bed half asleep.

With my body laying in my bed and my eyes closed I click the green logo on the screen.

"You better have a good reason as to why you're calling me in the morning."

He scoffs. "Well good morning to you too."

"Why are you calling?"

"Well I called because,I wanted to you to get ready in 30 minutes."

Are you kidding me? Does he really think I would eliminate my sleep just to go out?

I clear my throat to eliminate my morning voice. "Why?"

There was a short pause and all I could hear was breathing. "It's a surprise." and like that
He dismisses the call.

I kissed my teeth and put my Samsung back on the desk. I sat on the bed with the white blanket around my body. I stared at the wall debating whether I should hang out with him and continue to have sone fun with him like yesterday or look even more gorgeous after my sleep..hard choice.

I get up and decide to hang out with the asshole. He better have a good reason. I drag my luggage to the bathroom along with my shower supplies.


After I take a five minute shower and brushed my teeth. I wrap my cream towel around my body and open the luggage.

I put on my black slit side high low t-shirt,dark distressed jeans, and black vans.

I put Jergens' lotion on my body to moisturize the skin and also put oils to my hair.

I'm not sure why but, I have an urge to have a different hairstyle instead of my signature bun. I decide to make my hair half up and half down like yesterday. My hair still straight from yesterday.

After I put on deodorant and sprayed some perfume on me I cleaned up the bathroom.


After five minutes laying on my bed watching YouTube videos, I receive a text.

Asshole- i'm here. Meet me @ the front of the hotel.

I get up and quietly close the door with a sleepy Claudia. Ever since, the ball I haven't seen Katherine's presence. She probably hung out with her third boyfriend.

I walk in the hallway and scrolled down my Instagram feed. As I reared to the right to go to the elevator I bump into a wall. I look up and it turned out it was James.

He looked cute with his white boy tank top grey joggers and black slippers. His hair was all over the place in a hot way. He also look up from his phone and when he sees me a smile was on his face.

I quickly apologize to him.

"No need to apologize. I mean, we were both on our phone and wasn't paying attention."

I nod my head. He clicks the elevator button and it opens. We both enter the elevator and watched as it slowly closed its doors.

"So, how was the party after I left?" he asks curiously.

I didn't want to say that I hung out with Liam. I don't know why but, something in me told me not to.

"Well it got a little boring after you left and then I had to hang out with Claudia for the remainder of the night."

He chuckles. "So, are you telling me that I was the highlight of your night?" he says moving closer to me. He gazes at my eyes then at my lips.

I try to move back but, my back was already touching it. "Uh-u." I tried to find the words but, couldn't.

His lips were only an inch away from me but, then the elevator door opens revealing Asshole.

He clears his throat making James step back. He looked pissed and irritated. I felt afraid by the way he was staring at both of us.

"Bro, who got you mad this morning?" James ask clueless of what went down between Asshole and I. He still thinks that we can't stand each other.

"Nothing. Was just gonna go up to the hotel to hang out with somebody but, something came up." he says looking at me.

"Oh. I'll catch you later. I was just gonna grab some food to eat at Subway's." he does the guy handshake with Asshole and winks to me leaving.

He stares at with hurt, and anger. He shakes his head before dashing out the hotel. I run to him.

"Nothing happened. Well he tried to kiss me." I said.

Without looking at me he speaks. "Then how come it looked like you enjoyed every second of it? I wasn't there with you but, judging by the fact you gazed at him like your knight and shining armour, you liked it. I know you would have kissed him."

"Maybe I would have. The reason why he tried to kiss me is because, he doesn't know about us."

He stops walking and look at me. "What is going between us?"

"We kissed last night."

He scoffs. "Yes we did Miss Captain Obvious. After what I saw I think it would be better if we left it that way. I'm sure James wants you and he can get it. Or other guys you please."

"Why are you being mean? Weren't you gonna take me out?"

He nods his head. "Yes. I was. Not anymore." he starts walking.

I grab his shoulders and forcefully send him back. "Listen here. If you walk out that door I will make it my goal to not speak to you ever again. It is not my fault that i'm too damn' attractive and got two guys wanting me nor is it my fault that he wanted to kiss me. Yes I could have told him to stop but, i'm not used to being kissed. You know that kiss at the balcony yesterday? That was my first kiss.yes! My first kiss was by you."

He looks shocked and gapes.

"So was the second.third.fourth.and fifth. I never had a boyfriend either so don't make it look like i'm some kind of girl who wants to kiss many guys. Like I said Liam, if you want to leave go ahead."

He stares at me and sighs. "I'm sorry I guess I overreacted Malia."

"You're lucky that i'm letting you slide. Next time you react like that i'm gonna slap you like I did to your ex and you back at your home.

He laughs. "I'll keep that in mind."

We walk to his car and he opens the car door for me. I thank him and then he opens the other side of the door for himself. He inserts the key in the car. 

We're in the car for a few minutes and he take his mind off the road and grins at me.

"What?" I ask.

"I just figured something out." he says a large grin still in his face

"What is it?"

"I just found out that you called me by name instead of Asshole earlier at the hotel."

It took me a couple seconds to remember it.
Oh shit.

"Oh shit."

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