no longer a secret

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I know ya'll are proud of me for posting this. Posting twice in one day? Thank me later.

What's your Ethnicity or Race? I'm Sudanese. Idk why but, I think it's cool to see people with different race and ethnicity background read this book. Makes sense?

Is this chapter before after Jalia Molvie Nite

Malia's POV:

"Thank you Jaimee for the food." I say placing the dishes in the sink.

"No problem honey." she says chewing on the spaghetti and meatballs that she made for herself. Adam and Asshole are also in the kitchen table.

Asshole has been staring at me all day and it would look like he's holding himself back from saying something. I miss talking to him.

I go back to my room and prepare to go to sleep but, my bedroom door open and behold comes Asshole. He closes the door behind him.

"Wrong room." I say sitting on my bed.

He ignores me and sits on the bed.
He nervously look at me and brush the back of his neck with his fingers.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk and I think the best way to prove it, is by telling you the secret." he looked nervous.

I don't want to make him feel pressured to tell me. "I'm not interested in it anymore." that was a big fat lie.

"I know it's a lie and i'm going to tell you it anyway." he closes his eyes and rub his hands.

"Claudia and I used to be friends when we were younger. Claudia,James and I would go everywhere together. We'd tell each other everything, and hang out in each other's home." he starts.

I sit next to him and listened as he spoke quietly.

"She was my ride or die since I about seven until I was twelve."

"What happened?" I asked. I know that it's not any of my business but, I still want to know their history.

"Tony,isn't my real father. He's Adams." He says.

"So, that mean you and Adam are-"

"Yes, Adam and I are half brothers. I love him like a real brother though." he smiles while looking at the white wall. His smile slowly went down. "John, is my real father and i'm thrilled he's out of my life."

"I used to love him though. Once upon a time, my family was rich because, of the business my father, John worked in.When I was around nine, he would take me to her house and we'd hang out. He would talk to Claudia's mother Veronica in the living room while we played at the yard or at her room. As years passed by, I slowly watched as John's love for my mother fade. He used to kiss my mother in the cheeks before he left for work in the morning but, then one day he didn't and I didn't think much of it until he didn't do it the next day. Two days became months, which turned to years.He'd come back drunk and then physically abuse my mom. I saw him beat her like a lifeless object and what did I do? i watched. Sometimes, I would push him off her in order to protect her. He would abuse me after."

He brushes his hair with his pale fingers.
"I had to go to school with bruises in my face and everyone would ask how I got it. I would lie by saying that I fell. I only told James & Claudia about it because, you know, they were my friends. James was worried while for Claudia, she was uncomfortable when we spoke of the topic. Whenever I spoke about it she'd change the subject."

I felt sorry for him.

"When I was thirteen, I walked to her to house on a weekend so, I could hand her the soup, that my mom cooked for he because, she was sick. When I used her house key, she was sleeping in the couch. I placed the soup in the coffee table and, went to use the bathroom. When I opened the bathroom door, I heard someone making out. I assumed it was her mom making out with a new dude."

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