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Hey guys, Mal here and I hope you enjoy the future content of the story- 😁
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Malia's P.O.V:

"Oh c'mon Clay, why didn't you just fucking say you love her? Gosh damn' it Clay!" I yelled carelessly at the T.V. In my bedroom.

Moments later I hear my bedroom's doorknob turn and then my gorgeous mother entered, giving me a deadly stare. Her gaze seemed as if she  desperately wanted to laser my head.

I pause the video and bring all my attention to my mother.

She has a deep skin tone with dark brown almond eyes, and her hair was freshly straightened. She is wearing a long beautiful vertical black and white striped sheath dress, along with a simple gold necklace. Lastly, she wears black laced up high heels.

"Why are you causing such a ruckus?" She demands forcefully. She places her long arms to her wide hips.
Uh oh. It never ends well when the hand meet the hip.

"Sorry." I apologize sheepishly. "I promise I won't yell again."

She rolls her eyes.
"You better not.You're just very lucky today that i'm not in the mood."

What the fuck? Did the world get turned upside down?!

                      She opens the silver doorknob, and was about ready to exit when she suddenly stop. Her shoulders rose up like she had a lightbulb moment, she then turns her head around.

"And Oh, Jamie is coming later tonight so be sure to dress nice." She spoke. There were sadness written over her aged delicate face.

Great, just when I was feeling comfortable.

"Oh Ok, What time?"

"Seven sharp."

"Ok thanks."

"mhm." She answers but,quietly closing the door.

Ugh, Why do I have to dress up? This is the roof where I sleep in! Shoudn't it be Jaimee who should dress nicely while I wear pajamas?

Plus, why did mom look depressed? I decided to shrug it off.

I rose up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom which was in the same room as my bedroom. I flick the lights open.

I was shook from my own reflection.

I'm wearing a dark green Nike t-shirt which has the text 'Be Strong', and long jet black yoga pants. My twist braids looked like a birds nest.

I looked at my appearance.

I have a dark skin tone like my mother, black and brown twisted braids which usually fall to my shoulders, dark black almond eyes which has eye boogers, and full lips which looked extremely crusty at the moment.

I look pretty treachorous and still needed to get ready for this dinner with this 'Jamee' lady. I take a glance in the alarm clock in my bathroom.(Yep, I have a clock in the bathroom.)

6:27 p.m.

Woah, I really need to hurry. I dashed into the shower and take all my clothes off. I then open the shower to lukewarm. I go over to the door and lock it strip naked, then made my way to the white cabinet.

I grab my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I go back to the shower to take a much needed shower.

25 Minutes Later.
(She's in her bedroom now finished with her shower)

With a fuzzy jet black towel hugging my body, I made my way to my closet. After about five minutes debating on what to wear I decided to wear: an olive green shift dress, ( short sleeve Olive Green dress) which stops just a few inches away from my kneecap. I decided to wear black legging underneath the dress. I go to the wooden white dresser, and open the top drawer which  holds many varieties of jewelry.

I decided to wear a silver necklace which has a crescent moon in It. I go back to the bathroom, and take the cream towel off my head.

I put oils in my hair to keep it moisturized, then styling it into a bun.

I look at the clock.


I go the cabinet and take out my lavender scented body lotion and rubbed it against my long legs and skin.

After I finished the lotion task, I run to my closet, and take out my desert Taupe Suede Diamond Embossed Flats.

Lastly I rubbed deodorant under my armpits and sprayed my vanilla perfume on myself.

*Great, I'm done!

I fall on my luxiorious bed, and not even three seconds, I hear my mother signaling me to come downstairs.


I got out the bedroom, and made my way down the steps. Who is Jaimee? Did she bring anyone? How did She and mom met? How old is she? Does she have any kids?

When I landed on the last step of the stairs, I came face to face with my mother, and a gorgeous woman who looked a few years younger than mom, like 34 or 35.

She has a light beige skin tone, and her shiny chesnut hair was in diva curls landing close to where her belly button be. She is wearing a lovely deep red maxi dress which stops just a few inches away from her toes. I could see a peek of her black stilletos.

Her makeup was simple with a touch of a bold red lipstick.

"Hello love, you must be Malia." She said with a warming smile.

"Yes, I am." I replied with a small smile.

"I'm Jaimee, it's a pleasure to meet you. Your mother and I are very great friends & it's nice to see you again."

I give her a puzzled look.

Her eyes widened and she chuckles lightly.
"Of course you wouldn't remember who I am, you were only a day old."

"Oh." I answer.

My mother clears her throat and seemed like she wanted Jaimee to hurry up about something.

Jaimee looks at my mother, then give her an apologetic look.


"What is happening guys?" I ask clueless of what's going on.

They both look at eachother, then started talking with their eyes.I could tell they're debating on who should tell me whatever news they have.

"Guys, can you tell me? You're scaring me." I said nervously.

Jaimee then huffs and then give me a weak smile.

"Malia, you're going to be staying at my home for a year."



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