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Jaimee's POV:

Malia slept fourty minutes after driving in my van. I plant a gentle kiss on the palm of her hands.

I'm unhappy that she won't be able to see her mother until a year but, I'll try my best to treat her like family.

A smile emerge on my face, as I thought of a memory awhile ago about Mary and I.

Setting: In the College cafeteria
Mary and Jaimee's relationship status: Best friends)

"I wonder who's going to have kids first." Mary said placing a french fry in her mouth.

"Me too." I said biting into my delicious burger.

"I wonder if they're going to date eachother." I said curiously.

"I know. But, I don't think that's possible." Mary pouted.

"I think it is possible." I argued.

"No it's not." Mary retorted.

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is." I could've gone all day.

"No it-" Mary suddenly stopped but then a smirk emerged in her young face. "You wanna make a bet?"

"What bet?" I asked now biting into a chilly fry.

"If our future kids do suddenly start to date eachother, which I find highly impossible."

I rolled my blue eyes.

"Then I owe you 500 dollars, and a trip to Hawaii." she said with a smirk.

"And if you win, the prize goes to you.hmm..I gues it's a deal?" I asked with a smirk as well.

"Deal but, we can't interfere or help them get together. We have to let them date themselves, without our help." Mary warned. "Or that would be considered as cheating."


We both shook hands.

*End of Flashback

I look at Mary, then back at the road with a huge smile in my face.

Mary, you don't think it's possible that our kids are going to fall for eachother?

We'll just have to see what happens when we get there.

Malia's POV:

"Hun, wake up. We're here." I hear a soft soothing voice, and a soft nudge on my shoulder.

"Mdjdjsmam." I mumbled half awake and asleep.

I hear a soft chuckle.
"Malia, get out the van please. We're finally here."

I immediately open my eyes, and surely we were in front of a lovely house.

"Whoah. That's a nice house." I said.

The house look Small but, breathtaking.

It was a small light toned yellow house, that seemed to have more than one floors.

"I know. I understand that the house here are smaller than the one in Lincoln, but bear with it,alright?" she asks while taking the keys out the car.


"Come on, let's take your things upstairs to your room." Jaimee tells me with a small smirk.

I'm confused. Why is she doing that face?

"Ok..But, why are you doing that face?" I ask.

She still has the smirk stained on her face.
"What face?" She asked innocently.

"That face you have right now it's like you have a plan under your sleeve."

She laughs.
"Maybe I do..maybe I don't."

"That sounds creepy." I said.

She laughs again.
"Come on, let's go take your stuff up to your new room, for now."


After half an hour:

Finally, I get some rest.

I Fall into my new black canopy bed.

I take the time to look at my room.

The rooms  is actually pretty small, but it should do for now.
The walls were white, like I wanted.

There's a small closet in the opposite side of the bedroom door, and the sad thing about this bedroom is that there isn't any bathroom in the bedroom so I have to share with this family.


"Malia! come here, meet my husband  and son." Jaimee shouts from beneath the stairs.

"Alright!" I shouted back to her.

Why don't I ever get to sleep in you with peace? There's always someone bothering me.

I Slowly got out of the comfy bed, and made my way down the steps.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you liked this pretty short Chapter.
Malia and Liam are about to meet eachother..😏

If you like the story why don't you follow and vote.

I would grately appreciate it.

Question(s) for this Chapter:
If you were living with Jaimee's family what room color would you want it to be?

Plus, what would you want Jaimee's son, Liam, to look like?

Adios Amigos//Amigas ✋

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