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Author's note:
Please make sure that by the end of this Chapter, if you like the story you give it a vote!

*Also, i'm thinking about giving each chapter a dedication to you readers. I keep on seeing them on some stories, and always found them fascinating. Should I do it or nah? Let me knooow! 🙈
*This will be Liam's second POV.. Hope you enjoy.
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I stand there frozen on the hallway with my eyes wide. I couldn't believe she had the audacity to yell at me. She has no idea who she is talking to.

To be honest, I was pretty scared by her fierceness. I then thought about what I did earlier to one of her products then a smile emerge on my face.

I need to go talk to mom about why the hell she's in our house.

I make my way down the steps, and head to the kitchen.

"Mom." I say.

"What do you want Liam?" she ask irritated.

She's washing the dinner plates from dinner aggresively, and her hair looked like she had her ass beat in the streets. She's obviously pissed by what I said earlier at dinner.

hours ago=

"Malia please come back here!" mom yells to the girl.

I stood there beside the dinner table frozen, and shocked about what just happened. I guess what I said is a little fucked up but deep down in my heart, I knew I don't regret saying what I said.

I hear a loud vehicle driving around our block.

"Malia!" mom says running out the front entrance of the door.

"Malia, please don't go to the bus! Please, honey just come back!" she shouts as I hear her running.

I run to the front of the door to see what's going on.

I see my mom panting and running near the bus. Why?

That's when I see the girl running to the bus bolt speed, and ignoring my mother's call."If this bitch don't bring her ass over here.."
She quickly run up to the bus, and a few seconds later the bus drives away.

My mother attempts to match the speed of the bus but, the bus was just too fast.

When the bus is no longer seen in the street, my mother collapse down the road. Luckily, there was no one around the scene or, it would have been embarrasing as hell.

My mother starts banging the cement on the road, and wailing 'Malia!' .

I run up to my mom and scared of how she would react.

"Mom." I say.

She look up at me and immediately quit crying. Her eyes looked evil and her lips quivered.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh you're sorry? You're sorry? " She immediately get up from the road.

She slap me fiercely on the face.

"Ow!" I shout. I rub the stinging sensation on my cheeks.

"What you said was very unessasary to say! The pain you're feeling right now can not match the paining words you said to Malia! I'm very very very disappointed in you,and don't know if i'd forgive you, son." She screams.

She then bolt out My face amd makes her way to the house.

*End of the flashback from a couple hours ago.

Malia's POV:

I immediately close the door, and slide down the wooden door.

"Did I really just say that?" I mumble to myself.

I've never said any words like that to any human being..EVER! I guess he just pressed the wrong buttons.

I need a shower to relieve the stress I have right now.

I get up from the floor and grab all my hair and body products for the shower.

I then grab a fresh white towel, and make my way for the bathroom.

The voices from the beneath the stairs made me cease, and eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Why is she in our home?" I hear a deep voice. Ugh the voice belongs to the Asshole.

I hear noises of pots and pans, along with a running water.

"Because, her mom is going out of the country for a while so, she asked me if I wanted to take care of her daughter. Of course, I said yes." A soft voice says.

I hear a deep groan.
"But mom. Why didn't her mom take her to the country?"

"Because, it's a job that only involves her mother. Not her." I hear Jaimee's voice which sounded irritated.


The noise of pots and pans immediately cease.

"Stop asking me these questions which you obviously don't care about. Just go back to your room or, If you're very curious about her, why don't you just ask her questions yourself?"

I then her a scoff.


Loud foodsteps form as it go up the steps.

My goal was to run to the bathroom without being caught, but as I attempt to make the run, I get caught red handed.

He give me a cold stare.
"Stop trying to eavesdrop in my conversations." he hisses.

I roll my eyes.
"If i'm talked about in your conversation, then I can listen."

He groans.
He then looks at me,and the things I'm holding.

He then smiles mischevously.
"Whatever. You need to stop being so blue most of the time."

I look at him puzzled.

He chuckles and then go to to his room.
"Don't worry, you'll get what I mean after the shower or bath. I promise."

That's when he close the door.

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