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"Your books will be due July 5th, of 2017. Would you like a reciept?" the nice elderly worker ask me.

Yep, i'm in a library.

"Yes, please." I politely tell her.

She smiles, and do what I request. A new fresh sheet with words, print out.

She grabs it and lay it on top, of one of my new checked out books.

"Here you go hun." she says, handing me my temporary books.

"Thank you very much."

"No problem dear." she says, smiling.

I smile one last time to her, then make my way to the Teen Section, Of the library.

I've never been here in this library, nor Council Bluffs, so this is pretty new for me. For that reason, I had to wait a while to get applied.

I found this library, because the city bus drove by it, and i've always been a huge fan of reading books, so I thought why not?

When I head to the Teen Section, there was no one expect for me, which I don't mind at all.

A vibrant yellow bean bag is sitting in the far side of the room, and it looks super comfy, so I run to it like my life depended on it.

Dis is comfy.

I grab a random book that I checked out earlier.
Eleanor and Park, was the book.

I read the book.

After Five minutes:

Five or six minutes pass,and I am already interested in the book.

A girl enter the teen section, and head straight to a bean bag right across from me.

She smiles at me.
"Oh hey!" She waves eagerly.

She has an ivory skinny tone which has small moca toned freckles around her body.
She has beautiful strawberry blonde hair which curls all the way to her breast, she has vibrant green eyes, a roman nose, and small lips which were painted with a Burgundy toned lipstick.

She's wearing a black t-shirt which says 'Babygirl' on white fancy font, tucked underneath high waisted denim shorts, and lastly black & white converse.

I wave and smile, mimicking the action she sent me.

"It's not often that I see another teenager, come here in the library, especially in the summer." she tells me as she has a book wrapped around her fingers.

"I've noticed that." I tell her.

She glance at my book, and her face brightens up.
"Ooh! You're reading Eleanor and Park? I love that book."

I smile.
"Yeah, I just checked out this book, and already hooked after like five or six minutes."

I glance at her book, and see that she has one, of my all time favorite book, The Fault in Our Stars.

"Oh my gosh, I love that book!" I shrieked.

Her eyes widens.
"Really? I've read this book three times!"

"I read it five times!"

"Did we just become best friends?" she ask me.

I chuckle.
"As crazy as it sounds, I think we did. I mean, I never known anyone who love this book as much as I do." I tell her.

"I know right? They're always telling me that it seems 'Too Cliche', but they never read it."

We sat in a comfortable silence for maybe a few seconds, until she break the silence.

"So, is this your first time in this library?" she ask flipping to the pages in her book.

"Yep, pretty much. I just came here like a couple hours ago, so I decided I want to come here." I tell her, looking down shielding the tears from falling down.

I can feel her eyes, looking at me.
"I know something is on your mind...I know I might just be a stranger to you but, you can tell me what's on your mind." she assures to me.

I'm debating whether I should tell her or not, I mean she's literally a stranger I just met.

"I don't want to bore you, with my problems."I say looking at her.

She looks bewildered.
"Are you kidding me? Why would you bore me? We've talked less than five minutes, and you're already my friend."she laughs maybe trying to make me peak a smile, which did. "You won't bore me." she says.

What she said, was enough for me, to tell her what's on my mind.
"Ok, i'll tell you." I promised.

She claps her hand and looks amused.

I laugh.

"Ok, tell me...Oh my gosh! How could I be your friend and not know your name? You don't even know my name either." she says smacking her head.

"No worries. I'm Malia." I tell her while extending my hand out, for her to shake.

She shakes my hand.
"I'm Claudia." she says.

"Nice to meet you  Claudia" I say  as we let go of the shake.


We stood in a comfortable silence again, until she again, break the silence.

"Oh yeah, mind telling me what's on your mind?" she ask, now rocking her body in the bean bag.

I chuckle.
"You're childish."
"Alright, the reason why I feel like crap is because...Of an asshole named Liam." I tell her.

As soon as I spat the asshole's name she froze and her eyes stretch, as if she saw a ghost.

"What?" I said curious.

"Liam Potters?" she ask slowly, not taking her eyes off me.

I remember Jaimee saying to Al Xing, that she was married, and her last name's now Potters. That's when it hit me. His last name is Potters.

"Yeah. How come you know that?" I ask freaked a little bit.

"Umm, well that's because he's my step-brother."  She says fidgeting with her fingers.

"What?!" I yelp in the library.

"Shhhh! This is a library. Make a ruckus once more, and you'll be kicked out!" An elderly worker said angrily, while holding onto his silver cane.

"Sorry." I apologize.

He just ignore me.
Man, I got to stop with the yelling in  public areas.

Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. I was going to add a long(er), chapter but, when I previewed the chapter, I thought "Dayumm, this is a long ass chapter." so, I thought why just stop here.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though, and If you did, please:
°Follow my account for:
-Notifications when I post a chapter and future stories in my channel.
-Some of  you guys read my stories but, *never Vote nor follow me!!! I suggest you do please, so I know that you guys are enjoying my content. Thank you xo

Question for the chapter:
How did you react when you realized that Claudia, was Liam's stepbrother? What do you think will happen to the relationship they have?

•How do you feel about Claudia?

Oh yeah, i'm trying to think of our squad name but, can't think of a single thing?Can you please help? thank you. 📞
Mmk bye!

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