Chapter 6

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"Lassie" I called her name softly. slowly, I take a deep breath as I approaching her trying to touch her shoulder briefly but suddenly she start acting aggressively like it wasn't herself.

"Lassie , stop!" I shout to her as soon as she start to ran away with that knife in her hands. Luckily, Marrie was there to stop lassie from going anywhere. I reach her hand and Marrie quickly snatch the knife away and rush to the kitchen. Both of us were so shock. This was never happen during the time I live with her.

"You deserve to die! You! You bitch get the hell out of my life!" Lassie start to lose control. she stumbling over my arm wanting to get away from me.I hold her shoulder tightly and shrugged her as much as I can

"shit lassie, get yourself together"

"Lassie? who the hell is lassie?"

She start to tremble and shake so much. Then, she sat herself down to the grass and cried more loudly. I hold onto her just in time my phone suddenly began to rang.


"Sir, the meeting has been set"

"Tell them i'll be late. Call Dr. Philips for me"

"Noted. Sir."

I touch her cheeks and hold her face until her eyes reach my eye level. She was so worn out and totally losing breath. Her eyes both are swollen from crying, damn lassie.. tell me what's wrong. Her eyes met mine, we both hold each other gaze until she start to hug me. To say, im afraid seeing her such in despair like this. She look so hurt because of the past she had. 

"hey, " i lace her finger on mine. Maybe doing this might felt better her. I would do anything to stop her doing this thing again even if i had to change.

"lassie" i call her name more gentlely.  So afraid that it would shattered her back, she know im calling her name.  There was a smile playing on her lips.  I touch her face and place my lips towards her. Her lips are so warm after she cried so i kiss her more deeply. At first, she tried her best to push me but slowly she's accepting it. 

"save me"

Thats the word she said to me before her body start to passed out.


"Ethan" Dr. Philips came. He was a doctor in charge for the Brantly's family. After all, i trust him know something about Lassie sickness. 

"have a sit" i pour him a cup of tea. He smile and start to drink

" what happened? " i ask out of curiosity.

"Its the disease she had since she was young. Im not sure either mr. Brantly ever said this to you or not. But what you see in miss lassie isnt what you thought. She is more fragile than she looks"

Turning his head away as he try to find a piece of documents inside his bag. He left a big sigh before handling the document towards which making me more nervous.

"im afraid her sickness could be more worse" he explained as i put my whole attention reading the file. 


"its a mental disorder that affect how a person think, feels and behave"

"we're talking about lassie here.  What do you mean she had mental illness? "

"i suspect mr. Brantly didn't told you any of miss lassie condition when she was young then."

"get to the point "

"when lassie was young she had a social treament with me because she had trouble to speak. When im doing some research while trying to cure her i found out that she had a scar in certain areas on her body. So i ask mr.  Brantly is she having trouble with the family. But he kept insisting to not question anything and just prescribe and pills that could control her desires to hurt herself. I had no other choice, such a poor child"

I look at him disbelief. How could mr.  Brantly never told me anything about this?  Is this the reason why he want us to get married?

"any chance she will cure?"

"in lassie's case she might do something more dangerous than what she can think. Or she might be able to control herself.  Im only a doctor, people surround her need to encourage her. Also, its the mind of the patient wheter she want to be treated or not"

Dr.  Philips explained. What he said totally wasn't make sense. Lassie such a bright girl as i far as i known her, even though she would be harsh towards me and all the mean word she never hurt anyone.  I left a big sigh and start to think how to i tell lassie about her illness. 

"Ethan. May i ask you a favor? "

I look at him before nodding my head.

"Lassie is a brave girl. And being brave wasn't easy. I trust you" he said to me before getting up and left the office.

I pick my phone and headed towards lassie's room.

"Cancel the meeting"

"The benefactors might come in 10pm at the Filiee Club. They ask for you in person mr. Shaw"

"shit. Tell the department to get the file ready and send to me via email. I'll review it. Also, tell Mr. Adam to come with me and tell him dont forget his coat"

I push lassie's door slowly as i end up the phone call. I watch her sleep in her bed. She sound so deeply asleep like a baby.  I laid beside her and quickly close my eyes when i found out that she's awake.

She trace her finger on my face start from my eyes then slowly to my nose and last to my lips. I might bite her finger if i cant hold onto myself.

I opened my eyes and she look so shock. I would die of laughter if i saw her shy face.  "its okay, you can touch more if you want" i joke easily. She left a smirk and push me away.

I quickly hold her up and kiss her finger before heading to the bathroom.

Sorry guys for the late update. I hope you guys do enjoy their love story and excuse if there's mistaken grammar or any spelling mistakes. 

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