Chapter 4

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"i wish i could hold you more mother" i cried. i take the picture and hold tightly into my chest. all i want is me to be happy, what do i deserve to be this way. 



i hold myself tightly, i began to sit at the corner in my room where no one can see me. i pull my legs to my chest and hide myself,  i hate this. 

"Lassie.. you know you are the reason why they do this"

"I WASN'T ME... NO! NO! JUST SHUT UP!" i shout. i pull my hair as hard as i can. i run and hide myself under my bed. i take a deep breath, slowly i begin to peek under the blanket. i heard her footsteps walking back and forth, suddenly she laugh.

"Lassie~" she call my name, i hate her. Moreover, im scared. "that day i know you going to do it. ive saw it with my own eye, you had no heart!" she scream. i start to tremble so much, my whole body are now freezing even though im sweating. 

"no. yo-u.. you saw it wrong" i say quietly, i push myself out of the bed and rush myself to the kitchen. " i need to this. i need to stop her" i bite my nail as i walk down the stair as fast as possible.  I pass the living room, hall, the others maid room and finally i reach to the kitchen.

I search through every drawer and cabinets but i cant seem to find anything. Im lost.

"Lassie, what are you going to do my dear?"

I look at her, i tremble so much.

"Im going to kill you!"

"who? Me? " she laugh "as expected Lassie, thats how you do it! You're fool! "

I barely breathe, both of my knees are so weak and somehow i end up on the floor, im drag myself to the one of the kitchen drawer and surprisingly i found it.

I take the knife and head towards the backyard. I hold it up and suddenly everything turn out blurry.


I wake up and found Ethan is sleeping beside me.  He wrap his hand around my waist and face me. I watch carefully how quiet he sleep. Without thinking , i trace my finger and touch his face start from his eyes. Ethan had a hazel eyes which always makes all the things look serious, like i could never know what he thinks. Then, i touch his sharp nose straight down to his lips.  This always hurt me. Every words he said always bleed me.  For some reasons  i think he wasn't that bad but he always like a jerk whenever he's with me. 

I never had a male friends, even tho we had many occasions such as birthday, the company launch project, new year and stuff i think all of them trying to approach me just because im the only daughter of The Wooden Balcony. Either way,  since i grow up in this mansion alone and im the only heirness the only option to keep me safe is to lock me up from the world. Since father brought Ethan home ,i thought maybe we could be friends but it was only my expectation. I found out the only word to describe Ethan in one word is just a jerk.

Slowly, i move his arm away from my body but he suddenly brace me again and more tightly.  "its fine. You can continue stare at me" he say, he open his eyes and our eyes meet together. Calm, he places his hand into my waist and straight to my back, while i stare at him in daze.

What is this feeling? Do i get a butterfly? Just like in the drama? I grab his hand and shake my to make him stop. 

He suddenly push me and now im in position which is im under him. He put his arm besides me, and stare at me.  He pat my head and play with my long hair before stand up he goes to the bathroom. suddenly he faces me with an earnest smile he had until it show his dimples and left me there in a hanging cloud.

Hey guys im sorry for the late update. Im actually taking a driving license so im going to update slower than it takes.  🐻

Also dont forget to vote. All of it means a lot to me 💙💜💖


Lover: Save Me.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें