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It all started a few days ago. I was alone at my home, my parents out shopping. It was only 6:00 PM, so I decided to explore the wooded area by my house. I got on a hoodie and walked outside. I walked through the clearing into the woods, and started to explore. Broken branches, beer and soda cans; the usual boring stuff. So after about ten minutes I decided to leave. That's when I noticed it starting to get dark. I looked at my watch. It was only 6:11.

Why was it getting dark? It was only the beginning of September, so at least a little bit of light should have remained. But no, it was pitch black by the time I got back to the clearing. Five minutes and it was already pitch black, like it was midnight! I started running back to my house when I heard a sound like a crying cat. Oh no, I thought. I can't leave a CAT alone in the woods. So of course, stupid as I was, I went bac in. After awhile, I saw a cat lying on it's side, a gash in it's chest.

"Aw, poor cat." I said. "Come with me. Let's go."

I picked up the cat and started to leave when I heard an unearthly growl. I started to run, trying not to drop the cat. I turned, and instantly regretted it. What I saw was a tall, pale-tan creature, with a distorted face that looked kind of like a dog. It had no clothing, and no bodily features at all. It's arms were long arms with sharp, scythe-like blades for hands. It's long bladed arms dragged on the ground as I ran. I screamed as it growled again and it's head started twitching. I ran as fast as I could and finally saw the front door. I had just about reached it when I felt a sharp pain, and the world went black.

I awoke later in a white room in a bed. I was in the hospital. I saw a nurse and asked, "How did i get here?"

"Oh good, you're awake," she said merrily. "Well, we don't exactly know yet, but you seemed to have been slashed by an animal of sorts." All the memories came back.

"What about the cat?" I asked.

"Oh don't worry, darling. It's safe at the vet," said said, and then walked out.

Every night, I have nightmares about that creature killing me. Sometimes, when I wake up, I see dark, red eyes watching me until I flipped on the lights. It's watching me. It's watching all of us. Don't go into the woods at night. And if you do, don't turn around.

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