Family- friendly

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Jimmy was about fed up with Martin. Martin had been Jimmy’s good friend for many years, but lately, Jimmy began to suspect that Martin was manipulating him. Whenever they associated with each other, Jimmy always felt that Martin was forcing him to feel, act, and think a certain way. When they spoke to each other, Jimmy felt that he simply had to say the things Martin wanted him to say.

This went on for a long time. It got worse, to the point that Jimmy felt he had absolutely no free will when Martin was around. Jimmy longed to be free…to say the things to Martin that he truly wanted to say. But he never had the courage to do so…until one day.

Jimmy, with every ounce of will power he had, flipped up both his middle fingers in Martin’s face, and shouted “FUCK YOU, I’M DONE BEING MANIPULATED BY YOU!!!”.

The adults in the audience covered their children’s ears, shocked that this was supposed to be a “family-friendly” performance. Martin, the ventriloquist, was absolutely terrified.

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